Crack/whump-I'm a werewolf? I accuse Ren!

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Grian was never told to avoid Ren on full moons. And let's be truthful, he would have visited him anyway.

Now it was about the second full moon since the entire hippie V.S. Area 77 thingy started, and Grian was looking for Ren, he needed help with some terraforming. Some extra hands.

It was actually mainly because he wanted some hot chocolate, and he had run out of both milk and cocoa beans; but that's beyond the point.

The point is that he was looking for Ren, and unluckily (Or lucky because it gives me something to write) found him in some random cave near the hippie base. He didn't know that he was unfortunate at the moment, of course.

Third Person

As Grian rustled through his shulkers at the hippie base for some cocoa beans, he was startled to find he was out. He nearly ALWAYS kept a stock of cocoa beans and milk for hot chocolate. Speaking of milk, he was out of it as well.

Grian walked up to Renbobs RV and paused. He didn't want to just raid the RV. Time to find Ren, it seems. This resulted in a full force search. He couldn't seem to find Ren ANYWHERE.

The only place he hasn't searched was the caves.

To the caves he goes. As he searched the flat grounds for any caves, he saw one that had a chute that couldn't be climbed from the bottom, so he logically hopped down, his boots slowly the fall.

Curiously he looked around. There was a single stem. Grian pulled out a torch and it caught the glare of the eyes of a wolf. Before he could react, the larger-then-normal wolf lunged at Grian and sunk its fangs into his arm.

Grian let out a yell of pain and attempted to get away activating a firework, only getting out of the wolfs range before passing out, halfway up the chute as his elytra caught on an overhang.

The brown wolf paced back and forth, growling, trying its best to get to its unconscious victim.


As Ren came into consciousness, he immediately knew there was something seriously wrong. The scent of blood was in the chute, which wasn't uncommon, but he saw no bones from any animal that fell in.

He looked around and his eyes caught on the bit of blood on the rock face, and the smallest bit of a red sweater, and he immediately feared the worst.

Activating his elytra, he got up to where Grian was. Inspecting the unconscious man. Ren saw that he had a bite on his arm, and it had gone down to bone. His were-wolf form must have been desperate.

Picking up Grian, he glided back into the cave and activated a button that opened a simple 4x4 door. Dragging him in, the door closed behind him and he set Grian on the cot usually used for himself when his wolf form mauls itself.

He collected his medical equipment and gently began washing out the wound, then stitching it up. He grabbed some bandages and put them over the stitching. He sat down next to Grian and got a water bottle and chugged it.

Grian abruptly woke "Wha.... Ren? I had the weirdest dream."

Ren smiled grimly "Did you get attacked by a wolf?"

Grian started "Wait. It actually..." His eyes wandered down to his arm and he groaned "I was just trying to get some cocoa beans...."

Ren sighed "Its worse than you would think Grian. I'm a werewolf."

When Grian realized what Ren was saying, his eyes widened and he uttered in shock "I'm a werewolf now."

Ren cocked his head "Well yes but no. Some Werewolves transform into Coywolves. We call them CoyWeres."

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