
492 15 5

Third person

I can't remember what happened in September

A cracked helmet sits next to a deactivated portal, the lands around it charred and grim. The sky is permanently stained a purple and green slush.

The air carried a toxicity in it, causing eventual death in those who breathed it purely. Buildings laid unused, moss growing on them. Dead animals bones scattered the ground, a collar hung on a cats skeletal neck.

When everything is gone, when its dark and I'm alone.

A creaking echoed in the silent world as a man pulled him out of a bunker, a gas mask over his face. "Guys?" His feet hit the soil, no grass in sight. Moving slowly, the man walked towards the portal, tracing the obsidian, clearly baffled.

Gingerly, he lifted the helmet in his hands. "What?..." The entirety of the glass covering the face was broken, a few shards hanging on. Blood was splattered in the helmet, old and dried.

It's been forever since I could have remembered, where is everybody.

He placed it back down, and began wandering. As time went on, he started screaming names, looking for the others.

Where were they? They couldn't die, could they? Did they leave him?

Why would they leave him?

I just want to know the story of what happened right before I became so alone

A bloody pair of glasses at Joe's place. Rens sunglasses laying cracked on the ground. Scars hat laying with a arrow through it on the ground. Every base had something that hinted at the hermit who lived there.

All of the portals had been deactivated, isolating him from fast travel. Etho's base was the final one to hit, and he didn't know what to except.

Still can't remember what happened in September

He didn't except to find blood painting the floor and a torn headband on the ground. He lifted it in his fingers, tracing the metal. "Etho.." He lingered there longer then he should have, looking for Etho longer then he should have.

He didn't know what he had thought he would find. A body?

Back when everyone died, trails of blood in my stride

To his own base he supposes. That's really the only option. He moved fast, going to his base to see if he could find any hints, anything to figure out what had happened.

His base was also in ruins, broken and shattered. But his bunker was still there, and he took forever yanking it open. The ladder was gone, but he still jumped down, rolling to catch his fall.

I just discovered that the hermits where defeated by something very strong

The light flickered on as he walked past the motion sensors. What?... The walls where covered in blueprints. His lightbox lit up, revealing the blueprints for.. something. He didn't have the words to describe it.

Why had he left it there? Did someone else make it? But that didn't make any sense. His kettle sat lonesome, seemingly abandoned. But why? Why did he leave it there, unfinished tea left to rot?

It seemed very weird and wrong, it just didn't belong


What had happened that had destroyed this world so? He continued to shuffle through his base, finding various items. His bloodied sword lay on the ground, and nearby was something in a tank.

Like it came out of this world

Purple and green goo splattered the ground, and the tank was broken. Glass shattered, cables hanging in place.

Of course.


Then, it hit him.

Finally it's done! Aahaha!

Like a wave, he couldn't stop the memory from crashing into him.

It's finally done aahahaha!

It was painful.

Stop it!

He stumbled backwards, hitting a nearby wall.

He's trying to kill us all, stop him!

A hand held his skull as pain rocketed through it.

No, no! I'm going to save you!

Like a hot poker was being stabbed into his ear.

I'm going to save you all, don't you try to stop me!

Then it stopped, and he gasped for air, clenching his eyes closed. That... had hurt.

But... What was that? A memory? But was that truly part of what had happened? Had one of the hermits turned on the others?

I've regained a small memory, came to my head just like that suddenly

No, it couldn't be. Why would anyone do that? Everyone was so kind, so caring.

Reaching up, he pulled himself up using a bar. The tank stayed there, redstone occasionally sparking. The goo wasn't quite goo like he had thought, but a acid that had sunk into the metal and stained it.

I think I've gotten a clue

Purple and green.

Something tells me this is worse then what I knew

He walked forward hesitantly, eyes drifting behind the tank. Cots? Where those... Bodies? He dodged around the tank, running forward. Right in front of him was roughly half of the server, bodies covered with sheets.


This is your redemption day everyone!

It couldn't be. They couldn't be dead.

Go away from me! Step a-away from me! Ahaha!

Could they?

Go AWAY! You can't touch me now!

They where.

You see this button here? I'm going to press it!

How did he know?

Because he remembered now.

I just remembered what happened in September

It was very clear what had happened now. A smile began to spread across his face as he turned to the computer screen, and he took off his gas mask.

Doc reached up, letting his hand cover his face in blood.

"I'm the one who killed them all." A soft laugh released itself as his grin tripled in size and he cocked his head slightly.

I survived after the fall


I warned y'all on my announcement board, you saw this coming.

This is my first actual songfic, so I have to ask-how did I do?

Two hours of trying to figure out how I want it to play out-I have to say, I'm quite happy with this. It went better then I thought it would. So pretty much, Doc is mentally unstable and the button caused him to go completely insane.

So he killed everyone. Logical.

The song is the one at the very top, September by The Living Tombstone. It was actually hard to find a video to credit it to-All of the lyric videos are wrong, and most of the music videos I don't like.

So that's my apology for me being a Hetalian today. Just... pretend it isn't hetalia I guess? Idk. I'm a Hetalia fangirl okay?

aNyWaYs I smell food and I'm hangry so goodbye y'all :)


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