Crack-Tango V.S. Grian

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Now, Tango didn't know what these rumors where about a new flier who could beat him. He just knew he had to meet up with this new hermit and challenge him to a race on a course that EX will make-If the new hermit accepts, that is.

He didn't know what to expect of Grian. Maybe tall? He didn't know. So, when he ran into him while flying to visit TFC with some food for the man who had taken the word 'Hermit' to seriously, he was quite surprised.

I should tell the story.

Third Person

It was below 32 degrees, and rather rainy. Tango didn't know what he was thinking when he decided to take the weekly shipment of food for TFC this evening.

His wings where frosting over and he was looking for somewhere to land, but he couldn't see the mainland. Abruptly, a large white base peaked into view. One of the bases in the Futuristic District.

Tango used a very ineffective rocket trying to boost himself into the base. With a scream his wings froze and he began to drop towards the water. Seconds before he hit the water, a red and tan blur caught him and rolled upward before beginning to fly towards the base.

Grian looked at Tango, who was recovering from the adrenaline spike, and yelled above the wind as they approached his base "You alright?!"

He didn't get a response and realized that Tango was slightly in shock. So, when he landed in his base, he set him down beside the furnaces and began to look for fuel in his mess of a base.

Mumbling to himself as he opened nearly every box in his disaster of a storage system before finding some, and some half-sown wool making a blanket.

He then walked back over to Tango, throwing the blanket onto him and putting the coal into the furnace and began to look for an extra bed and some food.

Tango finally recovered "Uh. Thank you."

Grian grinned "No problem." He plopped down next to Tango and asked "Don't think I've met you yet. I'm Grian."

Tango nodded "I'm Tango. So I've heard you're a amazing flier? How long have you had wings for?"

Grian blushed, embarrassed "Well since the beginning of this season. I didn't have any or ever use a elytra beforehand."

Tango hummed in interest before saying "You want to have a fly off? EX was making a new course for me and anyone else who wants a challenge."

Grian immediately brightened (If that's possible for this little cinnamon roll) "Sure! When and where?"

Tango paused for a moment thinking, before responding "EX should be done in fourish (Auto-correct hates the word fourish. Insists the right word is Flourish.) days. Does noon work? And I'll send you the cords in private chat."

Grian nodded "Works for me. I have an extra bed here for the night so we can sleep out the storm. Here." He placed it and Tango hopped on, shivering slightly and waved as Grian headed to his own bed.


Grian was immensely surprised to see the majority of the server gathered to watch this race. Scar and Cub seemed to have deemed themselves commentary, and had a stand with a mic and all. Walking up to Tango, he mumbled "Did you know they would all be here?"

Tango shook his head "EX must have spread that we are racing."

Meanwhile, at the commentary stand, Scar was talking "It seems the two best fliers on the server are going to race! Has everyone placed their bets? Who knows which will win!"

Cub stated "I heard this was the hardest course on the server. False attempted it but broke her elytra on the Stringer! The second hardest part on the course! She barely made it halfway through."

Scar whistled "This will be a challenge for our competitors, that's for sure. And among the stands, I even see TFC! It seems the entire server is here today."

EX stepped in "Alright racers! Line up!"

Grian and Tango stood, keeping fifteen blocks in-between each other, tensing, ready for the 'go'.

EX laid a flag down in front of both of them "Three! Two! ONE!" he raised the flag abruptly and both hermits launched forwards.

Tango got ahead, but then had to dive to get to the first ring, which he beat Grian too and began to weave in between the rings on the ground.

One was ten blocks ahead, twelve blocks to the right. Same to the left. Back and forth, needing a lot of agility.

Scar yelled "Seems the racers are in the Weaver! Suiting name."

Tango saw the way that the next one was twenty blocks in the air, about ten blocks forward, slowed, and began to fly upwards. Grian whizzed past him, arching to reach the ring without hurting himself.

Tango made it through and began to gain on Grian on the flat flight when the commentary yelled "The Cavern is coming up! From this point on, we will not be able to see what is going on!"

Grian dived into a large cavern. Dodging in-between pillars, he could see why it was called that. Tango gained on Grian, and now they where wing to wing.

Tango left Grian behind. He had the advantage in speed, but Grian in agility. Tango flew out of the cavern, Grian on his tail.

Suddenly Tango saw the next thing and was a bit to slow to react. The next ring was incredibly narrow, and required for the flyer to tuck in their wings, after adding an extra boost to make it through. His wing hit the ring, and he barrel rolled.

Grian flew past Tango as Cub yelled "Tango was taken out by the Stringer! Will he recover? We don't know!"

Grian began doing rapid rings, dodging slowness arrows being released by dispensers.

Tango recovered and realized Grian was 50 some blocks ahead of him. Boosting himself, he flew forwards, trying to catch up to Grian.

Scar said, excitement lacing his voice "Tangos back in the field!"

Grian flew through a ring made of cobwebs and one of his wings hit the cobwebs, slowing him before he got out.

Tango made it through the cobwebs perilously, and fought to catch the agile hermit.

Grians eyes widened as he saw the next part. It was about 30 blocks high, 2 wide, and 20 long. He gave himself a massive boost and turned sideways, flying through the hole, and crashing on the scaffolding platform on the other side.

Tango saw this feat and struggled to do it as Grian was handed an water bottled by Xisuma.

Tango landed by Grian, also being given a water bottle.

Once catching his breath, he looked at Grian and panted "You are a beast."

So yea.

I had this idea when I was half asleep last night lol.

Edit: Just realized I didn't add a word count. So here.

Word count 1185

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