??/songfic-Interlude IV

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This one has a bit more dialogue then usual, but I was trying to keep it in pace with the song-

Third Person

Stress stood silently next to Joe, rain dripped onto her umbrella. One by one, the other remaining hermits left. They where left there, just the two of them, infront of a gravestone.

Inhaling deeply, Stress's voice arose above the soft pitter-patter of the rain. "We're finally free." Joe didn't react, his hair moping wet and his glasses covered in droplets. "Welcome home, it's just you and me now, standing alone. The world is ours." 

Hand tightening in a fist, Joe lashed out, his tongue toxic with indifference "No it isn't." Stress took a step forward, raising her voice slightly "Get in the portal." Joe's voice rose back, his words still filled with indifference but slightly tinted with anger "This isn't finished." 

Stopping in place, confusion consumed Stress. Her hands shook slightly as she tried to decipher what he was saying. "..What?" 

The man shook his hair out, turning to look at Stress. "Even though the kids dead, I'm still seeing red, I'm just a shell of his form that his innocence shed-" Anger bubbled up in Stress and her hand clenched around the umbrella tighter "He lived a good life and he gave it to you."

She started to back up as Joe's eyes flashed red and he took a step forward "Oh is that right? You know it's not true." He waved his hand towards the grave, hand dripping with blood from where his fingernails had dug into his palm.

"Look at him showered in blood and flowers, now look in my eyes she still hold the power!" Lightning flashed, revealing the blood splattered across his glasses, slowly being ran off by the rain. "After years of tears and confronting his fears, he's dead on his record for the world to hear."

He took another step forward and Stress bumped into a tree. "And they all think it was suicide, but Stress I know it was you inside." Stress shoved back, taking a step forward as her eyes narrowed "I saved him, I held him til the moment he died!"

Eye's flickering, Joe's voice raised and was filled with anger as Stress finished "You choked him out of his own ğ̼̺̻̿́̈̕͢ͅo̗̠̝̊̀͌d̗̙̘̻̑̿́̽d͔͓̲͑͗̈́͂̃͟͜ą̙̒̇mn̨̛̳̘̄̐͒̐͢ͅ ̗̺̺̙̐̒́̑m̦̿i̛͔͙͔̳̽͌́n̘͖̋̐d͕̋͞!" His eyes flashed red as his voice warped, and blood began to drip from one of his ears. "You promised the world to him, a g̠̺̊̀ò̧͎͔͖̹͒̂̚̚ḑ̖̳̗̝͒̒̐͘͝d̢̗̖̃̄̅ą͉͍̩̊̽͘͡ḿ̼n̬͎̬̱̓̉͒̽ ̜̥̭̲̐̿̿̇li͍̤̓͠è͈!"

Terror filled Stress's voice as Joe cornered her, eyes continuing to flash red on and off. "What do you want from me?!" His hand grabbed her forearm, forcing her to look him in the eye "Oh look outside yourself!"

Stress went silent, trying to figure out what he wanted as blood from Joe's hand slowly dripped down her arm. And realization struck her. "..I won't help you take her down." 

Joe let go of her, shoving her away so she hit the tree "Fine." His eyes turned red as he turned to leave, and he pulled out his pocket knife. 

"I͇͝'̡̪͉̖͓̲̽̇̒́͒͌̈́͟l͎͓͗͂l̛̺̮̘̫̘̠̇̍́̽̚͢͡ ̢̡̛̬̜̤̯̼͂͊͛͑̓̃͢͞ḓ̡̭̅̀̾o̗̜̻͓̤̯͆̄̑̌̀͘ ̧̢̺͚̙̱̿̌̾̏̓̋̌͜i̘͍̍͒̓̈́͟͜͢t̡̧͚̞͑̂̏͡ ̹̝̗͍͍̪͛̍̾̐̀͝b͔̉y̡͎̖͇͙͌̔͗͞͡ ̨̣͐́m̧͍͇͕̟̱͍̆͛̀̓͐̈͠y̛͉̺̻̰̩͆̀͊͗͗͢s̨̞̪̯͇͗͗̋̾́̕ͅe̗̿l̡̧̯̓͗̈́f͈̃!͚̦͈͔͍͐̾̅̅͞"

Stress lunged forward, grabbing his arm as he left "You don't need it!" He yanked his arm away, eyes set forward "Oh I know that I need it." Stress darted infront of him, forcing him to stop "She's been gone for years I know you can beat it!"

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