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Third person

Blood splattered the ground as Doc desperately fought, the slowly growing crowd of zombies overwhelming him.

One of his hands were pressed against his eye, blood dripping from underneath it. Some of his skin was horribly torn up, beyond recovery even from the assistance of the strongest mage.

It was a miracle he was still standing, and fighting. Most would have fallen dead by now, but here this scientist was, arguing with the fates. Defying the fates.

And that's what attracted the spirit of storms. He quietly observed the player, floating around in mist form.

Yes, he would make a good host, the spirit decided. The spirit floated down and settled in his body, making multiple adjustments. A human body couldn't hold the explosive properties correctly, so he changed the intact skin into creeper.

Then the player dropped dead, overwhelmed by the pain and mobs. The spirit shrugged this off, knowing it was part of the process and collected the body of the player. It pulled him into a different reality, in which players are just setting up a camp.

Dropping the body on the ground behind them (with a audible 'thud'), it went back into his new hosts body and let the unconscious status overwhelm him.

And, meanwhile with the hermits, they where looking at the bloodied and battered player that had just spawned in shock.

Then the brief wave of panic at the prospect of this player dying before they have the respawn feature running kicked them into action.

11 years later

Doc quietly watched the sun rise on the new server. The silence and lack of buildings was peaceful.

To peaceful. The silence disturbed him slightly, and S.S. was bugging him about something being wrong. The Storm Spirit hadn't been wrong before, so he was on edge.

Very on edge. Eyes darting around, trying to figure out where the danger was coming from today.

'Host... You should hide. Somethings wrong. Really wrong.'

"SS, I know. But I'm waiting for Ren. If somethings about to happen, I can't leave him to be attacked."

'You know what will happen if you get killed.'

Doc clenched his trident, sighing. He acknowledged the statement with a soft "I know.."

"Whoya talking to Doc?"

Doc yelped, whipping around and coming face to face with Ren, who's head was cocked slightly with a confused and concerned dog look.

Shaking his head, Doc replied "Myself. Sorry. Somethings off. Feel it?"

The host of the animal spirit sighed, kicking the ground. "Yeah. I feel it. I... it's... I don't know..."

Doc looked back to the setting sun. It had been twilight for the last twenty three minutes. A pebble rattled down a cliff. The slight running of water. A tree creaked. The wind howled eerily.

"Neither do I."

Gently pulling at his jacket, Ren followed his line of sight. Movement on the horizon alerted them of... spines? Moving across the horizon, slowly and jerkingly going across the sun.

"Doc... What is that..." The cyborgs head jerked up, finally noticing the moving form. He didn't get the time to respond as the reptilian creature reared, standing on its hind legs.

A look of horror struck his face "It's a drake. Schist! It's a drake! Dear the spirits Ren, it's a drake!"

Terror rushed through his blood as A.S. panicked as well, begging Ren to run like the devil was at his heels.

His ears slapped to his head, a whine of fear rattling in his lungs. Doc grabbed Ren by his arm, yanking him out of his stupor as he hauled him in the opposite direction of the drake.

"Run Ren! Run run run run!"

Ren stumbled over his feet, getting whacked in the face with branches. Doc was deadset on getting as far away as possible.

Doc readjusted his grip and pulled Ren onto his back, running faster. The drake let out a roar, its enraged noise washed over the woods.

Ren pressed himself against Doc, pressing his eyes shut. Multiple smaller screams echoed afterwards, a slight gritty noise at the end alerting Ren of them being Amphipteres.

The small, serpent like dragons had terrorized his home server until the people killed their master, rumored to be a Wyrm.

The screams sounded like distorted screams of a child, confirming Rens fear that they served the Drake, which was clearly part of the slujitori ai răului.

Doc finally stopped, not dropping Ren as he clumsily flipped open the bunker entrance and let him head down first.

The trapdoor was slammed shut as Ren climbed down the ladder, feet hitting the bedrock and he walked shakily into the large cavern, collapsing onto a couch. "Oh my spirits... Doc..."

Doc didn't respond as he opened the communicator laptop, sending out a alert for all hermits to head to the nearest bunker.

Burying his face in his hands, Ren softly muttered "Doc... I-I... What do we do now?..."

Doc tore himself away from the laptop as responses flowed in, panicking hermits asking what was going on.

"We wait. I sent out a alert to the Admin Council, we are officially under lockdown."

Ren looked up, the fear and terror in his eyes clear. "Doc... It's no coincidence that they are in THIS server. We both know this. They want the spirits."


The ground above them trembled, and rocks began falling. A furious roar came from above, and Doc and Ren looked at the ceiling, and other to eachother in horror.

Doc pulled his trident out, the diamond and netherrack mix crackling with lightning. Ren softly chanted under his breath, and the shadows of spirits began to dance around him. The animals solidified, becoming black animals.

The cavern began to crumble around them, and Doc looked over at Ren and simply said "I'll cover you. Run."


A dagger like glare shot Ren down, and he turned and booked it down the escape tunnel. He slid across the ice, listening to the noise of screeches getting closer through the stone, then the noise becoming splitting.

A crash of lighting, then a scream of pain.

A screech of victory followed shortly after, making Ren fear for Doc's life.

However, this fear was justified.

The time of death was nightfall.

Ah, yes, my classic dark oneshot :D


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