Crack-Message History

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POV ????


[4:23 AM]

Gremlin has created chat room 'Weird nicknames gang'

Gremlin has invited X-Eye-ZOOM-ah

Gremlin has invited thetransdog

Gremlin has invited ThatOneCyborgDude

Gremlin has invited Poet_man

Gremlin has invited ZombZomb

Gremlin: I call to order the first official meeting of the weird nicknames gang.

X-Eye-ZOOM-ah: wth g?

its fudging four am

nobodies going to be awake

Gremlin: u are

thetransdog: im awake

ThatOneCyborgMan: Nein, ich werde es nicht zu deiner verdammten babyshower Alice schaffen!

X-Eye-ZOOM-ah: ...


ThatOneCyborgMan: oh

wrong chatroom

thetransdog: well duh

go scream about... babyshowers and a 'alice' elsewhere

Gremlin: wait, no, i'm intrigued. what babyshower?

ThatOneCyborgDude: Herr oben rette mich

ThatOneCyborgDude has left the chatroom

Gremlin: WAIT



X-Eye-ZOOM-ah: what a fucking circus.

Poet_Man has joined the chat

Poet_man: language young man

Poet_Man has left the chat


[7:21 PM]

ZombZomb has created chatroom 'Children of TFC, Stress, and Joe'

ZombZomb has invited Falseywalsy

ZombZomb has invited thetransdog

ZombZomb has invited imimpulsive

ZombZomb has invited Gremlin

ZombZomb has invited Twin


ZombZomb: My Dads Need To Stop Touching My Stuff: The Musical

Featuring: Put That Thing Back Where It Came From Or So Help Me

Scarthecat: first song: Close My Door All The Way

FalseyWalsey: secret track: I Made A Long Distance Call To My Mom Just To Find Out Where The Fuck She Put My Socks

Hermitcraft Oneshots and AUs (Season VI And VII) ((FIN))Where stories live. Discover now