???-Of the nightlings

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Third Person

A slimy, repulsing strand of seaweed wrapped around his leg, pulling him down as others wrapped around him and yanked him down.

It's not like his armor needed any help, he had reason to believe this particular Maris Minas was immensely hungry.

One wrapped around his helm and it struggled to figure out if it was naturally formed, before yanking it off and throwing it to the younger brethren who reached forward, desperate for a taste of its catch.

The hive mind of the Maris seemed to decided to tear through the armor-Good idea, now that he pondered it.

A blurry form on the surface watched as he was pulled down.

Curse that man, sacrificing his own son to the Maris to save his ass.

Black clawed at the edges of his vision, and he allowed himself to be satisfied with his last action.

...flipping off his father before being dragged under.

__yeeting neatly__

Grian sighed, leaning on Rens neck as he strolled down the path.

"A inn has to be nearby... right? I mean, technically there has to be one within the rang of 50-80 miles of the last one, according to author physics, cause how else would somebody on horseback rest every night at a inn? OOOO! I wonder what the exact radius-"

G, I'm trying to concentrate on holding my form.



"Whats it like being a were?"


"Like, do your muscles ache after each transformation, or do they have muscle memory with forms you use frequently?"

Quit it.

"And new forms ache afterwards? Oh, what about flying? Since you never use those muscles, did you have to build up your back muscles or-"

Goddammit Grian we don't have time for this!

Ren shifted back into a human, stumbling a few steps before collapsing into the dirt.

Grian fell into the water with a splash, absolutely soaking his wings. He let out a squawk, scampering out of it, but not before noticing the clear form of someone being eaten by a Maris

"Ren! Ren? Ren are you alright? Deus ab inferis!"

A muffled response returned with "I'm fine I'm fine, go and wash off or something-we can bicker later."

Watching Ren slowly move into a sitting position, Grian moved back to the water and leaned over it, staring at the plant.

"Uhh... Heus, Xisuma! Huc veni obsecro!"

A whirlpool appeared for a moment, a scaly thing popping out before dying down, leaving a annoyed mer.

"Grian, what is it? I was having dinner."

"Er-theres some dude being eaten by a Maris down there and I pissed off Ren."

"...Fine. You owe me."

X dived underwater, scales shifting as he transformed into his massive sea serpent form.

The Maris immediately began to retract, terrified of the god.

Wrapping around the dying human, X snatched him up in his jaws, and moved up to the surface, dropping the human infront of Grian.

Secretly, X was concerned. Humans were fragile beings, and they were one of Eli's creations.

Transforming back, X bobbed at the surface, raising his hand and snapping his fingers, dissolving the water in the mans lungs. Grian immediately began to give the man CPR, a corner of his mind moving oxygen into the mans brain.

Gasping, the man-no, boy-shot up, gasping for air right as Ren yelled "G, what the hell are you-Oh frick!"

"Resurrecting a dead victim of the Maris. You?"

The boy scrambled backwards, gasping for air.

"Heyheyhey! It's alright! Your alive and-well, Ima not say well, cause both of your legs have been gnawed off, but your alive!"

The boy proceeded to hyperventilate.

Ren pushed aside Grian, pulling the boy into his arms and talking to him softly, after muttering to Grian that he was 'horrible with human socialization.'

X summoned Eli, who rose out of the ground, complaining about having found a fossil when X called before letting out a loud "Oh shit!"

Eli didn't hesitate with swirling his hands and instantly speeding up the healing process of the legs to meer seconds.

Ren continued with cradling the now sobbing boy in his arms.

Crossing his legs, Grian began to wait. X vanished back to his homeland, while Eli went back to his fossil.

The boy calmed down slowly, letting Ren shift him so he could look around.


Grian waved slightly "I'm G, you are?..."

"D-Doc. M-my names Doc."


Ehhhh I'm being lazy, spare meeeeeeeee-

Okay, so this is kinda the basis of this AU:


God of the earth, humans, dwarves, and all land bound animals


God of the ocean, mermaids, and all ocean bound animals


God of the sky, angels, and all sky based animals.


God of the weres


Will become God of the changed (Any breed that has been warped or changed by witches, gods, etc etc.)

And uhhhh-thats pretty much it.

If you want to pick this AU up, go ahead.

Just tag me, I like reading that stuff.


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