angst-The deal.

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Third Person

Wels had made a deal.

The plea for hunters had died down. Wels was of no use for hunting skinwalkers, wendigos, werewolves, and Sasquatches.

Not like the last two are often aggressive, they often just made deals with the hunters.

Then they vanished. All of them.

Some theorized that it was similar to the Mandela effect, but the universe never wiped peoples memories.

Not that this mattered. They were drowning. Doc had lost his husband, and was fighting to raise their adopted half-breed daughter.

Biffa was torn in half, his body half robotic now after he lost part of himself.

So many friends, gone or drowning...

And Wels? Wels couldn't make any money. His son was half nymph, after she had vanished, he... He started drowning like his friends.

The money was slow. His son was going down a bad path, and he couldn't have that.

So he made a deal with a demon named Tango.

And now he stood, stuck on a five foot radius in front of his apartment, as the only being able to see him talked to him.

"Your son will prosper, but this means you need to take up your side of the deal. You will help me by staying here, for twenty-five years. Enjoy this gift, if you see it as so..."

The demon turned and walked away.

Leaving the time to pass.

Wels watched as his son moved out, likely to never return.

He watched as the supernatural returned, and watched as his wife and son tearfully reunited in front of the house.

He watched as the dumber and savage supernatural gained intelligence, and became accepted.

Wels stood there for years. Time passed slowly at first, then it seemed to speed up.

Minutes were seconds, hours were minutes, days were hours, months were days, years were months...

Then one day, it slowed. A young man, blond hair cut short, and if Wels wasn't any better, he'd say this man was himself.

But he was to short. And to wealthy.

Wels watched as the man undid his flask, drinking some of it.

"Wh-where did you go dad... Where did you go?..."

No.... This... Grian...

"Did you want to leave?... No, you couldn't have... I've been feeling weak lately. I can't fly anymore. My heart dislikes it."

Grian wiped away the tears.

"One month ago I was diagnosed with heart disease, I won't bore you with the details, but it's been there since birth. It's to late. Erm... they told me to go home and enjoy what I have left. I can sense I will die today."

Wels froze, his eyes widening.

No... please no...

"So... I came here to talk with you. Or to my demons, I don't know..."

Wels watched as his son went into the apartment. Then came back, now standing next to him. So close. But Wels couldn't touch him. He wanted to hug his son.

He wanted to hug him.

Grian started seizing. Next thing Wels knew, Grian was on the ground right next to him.

He was dead.

There was only a year left.

I have nothing to say about this. Can't justify it.

Have a great day!

Word count 522

-Sent out of Lockdown in profile via communicator

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