au/darkshot?/kinda.gore-I renamed this because it was misleading-

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Warnings: Gore, some langauge, do I really need to add the gore warnings to my fics at this point? It's kinda a given.

Third person

Scars pick crashed into the mine walls, again and again. Next to him, Cub moved the bricks into the cart.

"Do-you ever think-*crash*-we'll be free?"

Cub rubbed some coal off of his cheek, frowning when he only spread more. "Maybe. Hear about the rebel attacks? The half of Branch 2 is free."

"Makes sense. Branch 2 is closer to the edge of the Non-Portal Grounds then us."

Doc rapped on their sections woodwork. "Hey, shifts over. Me and Ren are replacing you." Scar swung the pick a final time before following Cub out, passing the pick to Doc. "Have fun, I heard lava nearby!"

Laughter followed Scar and Cub as they walked down the tunnel.

Lava was a absolute pain, because if any of your items got burnt, the slavers-*ahem*-MANAGERS would force you to get the items back, even if you worked overtime.

Scar couldn't list the amount of times he's walked into a mine to change shift with someone and found a dead body, lava eating away at their body, or soaked in sweat.

It was horrifying.

The Watchers held the lands with a steel hand, and their apprentices followed like loyal puppies. Absolutely disgusting. The Observers rebelled, trying to abolish the throne.

The bus transported the miners (half of the slave population) back and forth to the mines. They barely had nine hours of break time, so everyone slept like rocks.

Or you would think, Scar knew for a fact that Doc helped traffic information to the Observers, through a incredibly elaborate and complex code cycle.

There was three copies sent through different wings of the system, and there was still five other wings. So pretty much, this rebellion? It was going well.

News constantly came in about rebels being killed in 'accidents'. It was clear that somehow the Watchers got information about the more powerful rebels and then assassinated them.

They had phone lines tapped, people listening to the radio waves trying to find a form of morse code, you get the idea.

Wasn't working out that well for them.

Cub snagged Scar by his arm, dragging him to the side of the street as a building burst into flames.

As they moved quickly away from the fire, two forms crashed into a nearby tower, breaking a window.

This is when the chaos exploded, obviously. Random people in the streets used magic and shifted forms, becoming mostly Watchers, but about 20-30% were Observers.

"We need to go! Now Scar!"

They started moving, running as fast as they could while trying to get away from the chaos. Scar tripped over a body, and turned to look at it.

It was a incredibly delirious Zedaph, a fellow miner. He was trying to move despite both of his legs being shattered.

Scar didn't hesitate and waved Cub over. "Throw him over your shoulder, we need to get away from here as quickly as possible."

Cub threw Zedaph over his shoulder with ease. They started running again, this time trying to stick to the shadows even more. Scar had seen what happens to people who are slowed down or appear vulnerable, and it was not pretty.

Most got gutted by that one psychotic Watcher, his name was Sam or something.

Scar briefly slipped on some blood, and he caught himself on a lightpole and looked back up. Cub was gone.

In the ten seconds it took for him to straighten himself, Cub had managed to vanish into the carnage.

Goddamnit Cub. Why was he such a fast runner?

He darted to the other side of the street, blood splattering his face as a dagger grazed his cheek. Okay, maybe a bit more then grazed, it was pretty deep.

Shoving himself up against a car, he grabbed at a shard of metal. He could fight with this. A Listener crashed into him, plunging her knife into her shoulder and leaving it there.

The metal spike flew to the side as they tried to get the advantage on one another.

They grappled back and forth for a moment, and she managed to get on top and started to strangle him. He struggled for a moment before managing to find the the metal next to him.

He plunged the metal into her stomach, and pulled up. Blood sprayed across his face as she screeched and fell off him, clutching her gut. He pushed himself backwards and started to run.

A Watcher and a Observer slammed into him, both sword fighting. He hit the ground and scrambled backwards. He sliced his leg open on a horridly bent metal fence which somehow got onto the street, but he didn't notice.

Their swords clashed as Scar trying to remain unseen. He slowly moved, and then a second Watcher slammed into the first.

The first Watcher hit the ground, her head cracking into the pavement. The newcomer pulled his mask off and cracked it in half.

The pieces fell to the ground, the two exchanged words, and one of them finally noticed the mildly frantic Scar.

"Oh. Theres a miner back there. Behind you."

They both looked at him, and he looked at them. There was a long silence, and then Scar simply tore the dagger out of his shoulder and threw it, pegging a Watcher in the back of the head.

They looked at the throw, and back at him. A injured, pathetic miner who just happened to be able to throw knives.

"...Can we keep him?"

"He is not a dog-"

The ex-Watcher held a finger to the Observers lips "Shhhh... That doesn't matter.. can we please keep him?"

"No E-140, We cannot 'keep' him."

"Ouch, that stings. Back to file names?"

Scar, being logically confused, just decided to sorta... Squirm backwards.

"Wait-Don't go-"

"Where would he go, everything is on fire."

Stopping, Scar tried to talk but forgot that a dagger had literally punctured his cheek, and subsequently choked on his blood for a few seconds.

The ex-Watcher-E-ten something?-walked up and simply asked "Can I help?"

Scar watched him for a moment, then decided that, yes, this man who was just part of a group that killed my entire family and cat was worthy of his trust.

A nod.

"Oh sweet! TFC! We get to keep him!"

"For the last time E, he's not a DOG-"

Just like last time, I somehow messed up while making a angstshot and it turned into another crackshot.

You can still see the ruined remains of the darkfic/angstshot it was supposed to be....

But anyways, this is done, I'm going to sleep for the next week, and you guys have fun with my burst of crackshots that where supposed to be angst.

Deal? Deal.


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