request/fluff/wholesome/drabble-Scar decides he really likes Doc

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Requested by lonelyZodiac, finished on 7/9/2020

Set during Area 77

Third person

Scar played with Doc's lap coat, tongue casually sticking out as the cat hybrid hid under the desk. Doc nudged him with his leg, trying to get the 80% mentally cat to stop playing with his coat.

Cub had left Scar with Doc to watch while he dealt with family issues in his home world, so Doc had to deal with the over-excitable hybrid. For some reason Cub had deemed Doc worthy of watching his cousin, and now Doc had a really clingy cat to deal with.

While in the middle of his top secret government facility roleplay.


Doc had found Scar in varying locations, from on top of the base staring phantoms down with the wraith of a mad kitty, to playing with villager Grian who seemed to love the hybrid. And, finally, just two hours before, underneath Doc's bed after the hippies set off a few eco-friendly fireworks.

They got yelled at for frightening Scar, which seemed to convince them not to set off any more fireworks. And now Doc had a happy cat playing with his lab coat as he tried to finish his message to X about a chunk glitch nearby.

Now, the chunk glitch was a very important message because it was entirely lava. It had replaced the entire chunk (minus the air) with lava. Which was a nuisance for Doc, and literally anyone nearby. Somehow Impulse had dug into the chunk and got burnt alive by it, and Ren barely seconds after as he came racing down to check.

Actually, why where they digging into Area 77 territory? Doc never did ask-and suddenly Scar was darting out of the room, chasing a mouse and knocking over Doc's chair on his way out. Doc lay in a dazzled pile on the floor for a moment before shooting up and darting after the cat hybrid.

Where had that cat gone? Had he gone to the hole? Where would a mouse go? 

As he ran past the corner, the hybrid pounced out from behind it and tackled Doc to the ground. Doc hit the ground with a comical "oOf-" as the cat began to lounge ontop of Doc, splaying himself over the confused and scared, but mostly confused, man.

"Wha-" Doc got headbutted in the face, much to the poor cyborgs confusion. Scar had his body stretched over Doc, purring slightly as the man sputtered in bafflement on this new arising of behavior. Cub hadn't warned him about this, what was going on? 

The cat continued to resist being moved, insisting on staying right there. If Doc moved him now, he would be all sad and Doc would feel guilty, so he stayed there. With hair in his face. Occasionally getting headbutted and the cat snuggling up to his chest, eventually tucking his head under Doc's labcoat. The kitty fell asleep like that.

For three hours. 

Apparently he had accidentally sent his half-finished request to X, because the admin himself happened to show up and started dying from laughter at Doc's awkward position. 

After Doc whining about not knowing what to do, X finally called Joe and asked him (through fits of laughter) to come over and to bring Stress, a 50% cat hybrid.

When they finally got there, they also started dying from laughter, Stress especially as she choked out the words "He's accepted you as family" before bawling from laughter. And, ultimately, Doc was never freed from Scar. He fell asleep with the cat sprawled on top of him, tail swishing happily.


I didn't know I was capable of writing something so utterly wholesome.


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