
740 11 2

Third person

Blood splattered the ground next to the werewolf as the sword plunged into her chest, pinning her to the tree.

She clawed at the sword, wheezing and choking as her attempts to get free slowly became weaker and weaker. Blood dripped down from her mouth as she died, and shifted slowly into wolf form.

The hunter tore the sword out of her chest, and grinned victoriously. Like most kills, he would skin the wolf and sell the coat on the black market.

Grabbing the fur of the wolf, he and his two partners lifted her with some effort and dragged her to the four-wheelers.

The wolf herself was a large specimen, five feet at the shoulders and at least 12 feet in length.

Of course, the largest recorded was seven feet at the shoulder and nearly 20 feet in length. See, the height at shoulder depends on their height in human form. 5'7 in human form? You'll be that large as a wolf.

It's different when their still growing, they actually remain quite small and their wolf form take a additional 5 years to grow to it's full size.

They threw her onto the four-wheeler with her two adolescent pups in bags.

But, as the three four-wheelers rumbled through the path they had made through the fully grown forest, a soft yipping came through the trees. There, hidden in a snowy hedge, sat three pups, cuddling with one another.

The eldest was yipping, trying to figure out where their mother and siblings went.

The middle pup was sitting up, standing protectively over the youngest.

The youngest lays there, weak and sickly.

The trio watches the forest, One going silent as she realizes that their mother wasn't coming back.

Looking at her littermates, she decided to defend them with her life. She nudged Two, making her sit down and lay down, curling around Three.

Then, One looped herself around Three, where Two isn't laying.

They fell asleep like this.

When Two woke up, One quietly asked her "can you go foraging?"

Two cocked her head slightly, and seemed to debate this for a few seconds. "Yes. But it'll mostly be roots and stuff, I'll try to get a few mice."

One nodded, and watched her go into the woods before directing her attention to Three. "Hey Three... Can you talk to me?"

"One?... Where's mom? And Thorn? Or Aux?"

One licked Three's ear without saying a word, this being answer enough for Three, who softly whined "I'm going die, aren't I?"

"No. We're going to find help, got it?"

Three softly whined in response, and One sat down, curling her tail around her paws.

They would survive.

{Yeet. Three days later.}

Three was completely unresponsive. She had refused to eat anything, and now was struggling to breath.

Two was quietly watching the woods, ears pushed forward. Voices were coming from said woods, talking about 'Poaching', 'had pups', and 'find them'.

One softly growled, crouching close to the ground. She was standing over Three, her eyes darting around.

The voices faded, and a Fossegrims violin played. The echoing laughter of a headless horseman followed shortly after.

Two stood up, and softly murmured "I'm going to go and look."

One nodded, and watched as Two slunk off, heading towards the voices.

She hopped over branches and wiggled her way under a root. Finally, she reached the trail and watched from the leaves. The Fossegrim had the violin underneath his chin, playing skillfully. His straw hat was hanging on his neck, and his eyes sparkled behind his glasses.

The Headless Horseman was leading his horse, the old knights outfit was at least five centuries old. He was laughing at the jokes that the Fossegrim was whittling into his song.

Next to them, also laughing at the jokes was a Lich. He was clearly multiple centuries old, as yellow lined his bones and his clothing was old.

Behind them, a young Gremlin played with a second Lich, who looked like the brother of the other. He was obviously trying to entertain the young Gremlin.

The Fossegrim made eye-contact with Two, who immediately froze. He slowly lowered the violin, and the Headless Horseman muttered "What's wrong Joe?"

"Left. Bushes. Use ya eyes Wels."

The Headless Horseman grumbled and held up his helm-which Two could now see had his head in it-and threw it on.

"Oh. That's a Werepup."


'Joe' slung the violin slowly over his shoulder and knelt. "Hey little one..."

Two snapped out of it, and softly whined.

Sitting down slowly, Joes eyes didn't leave her. "You can't shift yet, can you?"

Two bolted, yipping for One "One! One! Get Three! They can help!"

One snatched Three by the scruff and began moving her as quickly as possible. Two helped, and the two worked to get Three to the trail.

"-Even old enough to shift! That's so depressing."

"I know X, that's why we're here to help."

They stumbled into the path, and Two darted over to the violin man, yipping.

"Whoa! Slow down-Oh! The runts ill!"

Joe knelt, gently picking up Three. The Lich scooped up One and the horseman picked up Two.


I completely lost motivation for this one.

One is Stress, Two is False, and Three is Cleo.

I was intending for the name 'Zombie Cleo' to have come from the fact that Xisuma rose her back from the dead as a Lich.

But uhhhhh-Motivation is gone.


Hermitcraft Oneshots and AUs (Season VI And VII) ((FIN))Where stories live. Discover now