Angst-Bad Wels (he's actually Hels)

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FUTURE ME HERE: this isn't Wels, it's Hels. I cannot consent to past me not knowing a thing about Wels while writing this.

Third person

Doc was worried about Grian. The chat was mostly filled with the entire fussing about how

A. Grian's communicator had been in the rain and X was replacing it now

B. What the HELL was Grian's communicator left on the top of the TravelingCart-That-Never-Moves

C. And how Grian hadn't been seen sense about a day ago

Doc was the only person beyond Joe who knew that Grian had an Avoidant Personality Disorder, so he was currently very concerned.

Doc's best guess was that someone had said something to Grian that had triggered his APD.

So, this is why Doc waded through the rain, soaked nearly to his wires. He had checked Grian's base, G team base, Sahara, spawn island, the nether, the end, where the flag used to be, Grian's old base, and the pineapple under the sea.

He couldn't find him. At all.

So, as Doc pulled out his communicator, he typed

Docm77: Has anyone seen Grian.

Xisumavoid: no

ZombieCleo: not since last night

Stressmonster85: Looking for him now

Joehills: He's at my place. Lad seems really upset. Can't tell if he's crying or if he's just wet.

Docm77: Ill be right there. thanks joe.

Doc set off through the mud. His elytra weren't working, so he had to walk. And walk he did. His boots had dirty water in them when he rapped sharply on the door.

It swung open and Joe rushed him in "Why did you come 'ere in this weather?"

Doc pulled off his boots and dumped the water out in the water bin for dirty shoes "I'm worried about Grian Joe. He hasn't slept lately at all, and the weather says a lot to his mood right now."

Joe nodded and led Doc to Grian, who was writing blueprints for some weird looking house in a book.

Doc sat down next to Grian and said softly "Grian?"

Grian started, not realizing that Doc was there "D-Doc. Why are you here?"

Doc made a confused noise "Because I care about you Grian, and no other reason."

Grian shook his head "T-thats not what Wels said..."

Doc frowned "Grian, what did Wels say to you?"

Grian began to stutter, crying slightly "He said that I-I was a disappointment, a-and that I was a f-freak with wings a-and-" he burst into tears and Doc pulled Grian into a hug, gently rocking him in his arms.

Crying himself out, Grian eventually fell asleep in Docs arms. Looking up and making eye contact with Joe, both of their eyes swore vengeance.

Wels was a tomato in the middle ages on a silver platter. (Get it?)



Grian was sitting on the top of the . He had a bunch of blue prints laid out in front of him.

It was of a large tunnel, leading into Area 77. Grian had been planning this for a bit now, he just needed more wood for support beams. So, he was trying to think of an excuse to use Mumbo's tree farm.

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