crack-Hide & Seek

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The soft clang of metal echoed through out the room as someone walk towards the center of the room, where there was a player tyed to a chair, with a interrogation table in front of them.

The man tyed up yelled nervously "Where am I? What do you-"

A creeper cyborg walked into the light "I'm so happy we found you. And now your gonna tell me where your little buddy is."

The man snapped "I'm not telling you nothing!"

Doc sighed, cracking his neck "Your just wasting your own time. You know where he's located. Help me."

The man looked away "I can't."

Doc smashed his fist into the table "Look, you know where he is and your gonna help me now!"

The man looked up "I don't know nothing and that's that."

The creeper cyborg went silent. Then he said in distress "I don't know where he hide and I've searched everywhere..."

The man, now clearly a human/dog hybrid laughed bitterly "I don't know either! That's why I don't play hide and seek with Joe!"

The door on the other side of the room swung open and Joe walked in "What's up ya'll."

Doc yelled "Where were you at, I searched everywhere for you!"

Joe raised a eyebrow "School?"

The two at the table said as one "School?"

Joe sighed "Yes, school! Like we all need to be. Ya'll keep skipping classes, doing whatever ya'll doing, but that needs to stop, cause we had exams today, and ya'll missed history and math, ya'll be better I was in a good enough mood to bring ya'll the homework ya'll missed."

Joe pulled a outrageously thick homework wad out and handed it to Doc.

Doc yelled "Goddamn! Look-look how thick this is!!"

Something that just came to mind. Have a good day peeps.

(My IP)
-CrowWren, OUT

Word Count 312

Hermitcraft Oneshots and AUs (Season VI And VII) ((FIN))Where stories live. Discover now