Lamb to the Slaughter (Part Two)

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Grian fell out of the portal, pedalling his arms his arms as he tried to catch his balance before toppling over and faceplanting in the sand.

He heard the crack of a bone in his right wing. He toned out the pain, he had felt enough to know how. And Xephor blocked the pain.

"Beautiful landing. Best you've ever done." Watcher sassed.

Grian mumbled pushing himself up "Oh shush-uhhhh."

A group of players stood there, looking at him in confusion. A girl with blond hair and a brown jacket asked one who wore a odd mask thingy "X, I thought you said there weren't any new hermits?"

'X' eyed Grian warily as Grian stared at them, fear taking light in his eyes.

Xephor said softly "Who's the best person for this situation?"

Watcher instantly responded "Grian. His personality draws people like a magnet."

Xisuma, still keeping a eye on the stranger, began talking in hushed tones with the others "You know how the way things work, I can't predict when a new hermit comes!"

"Guys! Wait! I dont know what to do, their talking about what to do with me!"

"Have you suddenly decided your a chicken? Get your butt out there!"

"W, he needs to take it slowly, he can't just rush in without any thought!"

Grian ignored the two of them as they began arguing and slowly pushed himself up, quietly as possible and grimaced as he glanced at his wing. That angle did not look right. It was numb, as well.

Xisuma once again glanced at the stranger before sighing and walking up to him, sticking his hand out "My names Xisuma, welcome to Hermitcraft season six.".

Grian hesitated before taking his hand and allowing for him to help him up "I'm Grian."

"Why not Xephor?"

"Or Watcher?"


Xisuma nodded and said "I'll let the other hermits introduce themselves. We have respawn in this world."

Grian nodded slowly, and everyone dispersed. Grian stood slowly and winced as his wing jarred.

A woman walked over and said "Names Stress. You need help with that wing hun?"

"She seems trustworthy. Just be careful."

Grian grimaced and replied, rubbing his arm "Yes please. Might be broken."

Stress began looking at it, and commented "Its broken alright. I would say die and respawn, but that's always a nasty business and theres not a guarantee it'll fix itself. Hey Scar! Can you help me brace Grians wing?"

Scar glanced up from where he was talking with cub and began walking over "Sure."

Grian pulled his right glove off and clenched it inbetween his teeth. "Wise decision." Scar commented then grimaced as he saw the damage, and the wing at a horrid angle.

Stress held one hand at the base of Grians wing and one right next to the break. Scar put both his hands on the other side of the break.

Scar began counting.

"One." Stress made sure her grip was tight enough to keep his wing in place.

"Two." Xisuma took notice of what was happening and began to walk over.

"Three." This is where everything assumed disaster.

Scar cracked the wing bone into place.

Grian screamed into the glove and his left wing thrashed, seeing they had forgotten to pin it. Stupidity.

Stress was knocked down by the wing thrashing.

Xisuma was hit by Stress.

Scar released Grians wing and stepped back. Grian sat down, panting.

Stress got up and helped Xisuma up, who asked "What just happened?"

Scar who had knelt next to Grian and began bracing it with bamboo, leather, and leads responded without looking up "Grian broke his wing when coming through the portal. He excepted our help."

Watcher had taken control and grumbled "Which I am debating if it was a good idea or not."

Scar commented "Mood."

"He has a point."

Watcher didn't know how to respond to that.

Scar stood "Its done. You won't be able to fly for a decent while, but it'll do."

Watcher handed the control back over to Grian, seeing that he was unneeded.

"Thanks Scar, Stress." They both nodded and Xisuma said "Oh, I forgot to show you." He pulled up a screen and swiped "Okay, so there are different regions. Fantasy, Medival, Modern, Futuristic-"

Grian pointed out a spot "Sorry to interupt, but I'll settle here if it's open." Xisuma studied the spot "It works. Just head that way on a boat and you'll find your spot." He pointed in a direction.

Grian nodded. Everyone who wasn't already gone made a boat and set off. Grian sat there for a bit before jumping a bit as someone said behind him "So your the new guy."

"I dont like the look of this." Watcher commented calmly

Grian turned and nodded.

The player looked him up and down "Listen, if you harm ANYBODY on this server, you will pay. I don't trust you as far as I can throw you, trust from me is earned."

The player unsheathed his sword and swiftly stabbed Grian through the chest. Seconds later Grian sat up with a gasp.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Xephor raged.

His communicator buzzed and he opened it.

Biffa killed Grian

FalseSymmetry: What the newbie do? Exist?

Biffa: Scaring him off

Xisumavoid: Haven't we talked about not terrorizing new players?

Grian sighed and began collecting wood. He made a crafting table and placed it.

"Why are you such a IDIOT."

Instantly he groaned in frustration and mumbled "I have alot on my mind, okay?" as he had placed it next to another crafting table.

Making a boat he placed it and began rowing, slowly but steadily made his way towards his zone.

As he rowed he saw the outline out a boat and waved at a the player building. She waved back and he continued rowing.

After a bit he found a half of a shipwreck and began flattening it out.

He made a glass dome a looked around. Small but it would work, at least until he made a actual base.

Oof! Being on a trip has its advantages, and its disadvantages.

For one when we're driving, I can type. But when we are at the rental I'm not allowed to.

Anyways, to my first voter and person to add me to a list, thank you @Liette_

When I saw I had a vote and a add my day brightened.

Word count 1066

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