concept/drabble-The Triplets

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Probably going to be motivation for R&A, but it was supposed to be a one-shot.

Keyword. Supposed.

Third person

A sob rattled through Grian's throat as he slid down his wall in his bedroom.

Sam had just murdered Taurtis then killed himself. He deserved to be in jail...

The yells of his father came from downstairs. He was drunk again, and his mother was high in their bedroom.

The window opened and Watcher slid inside, then saw his triplet and whispered "Grian? What's wrong?"

Grian sobbed out, his voice rattling "S-sam k-killed Taurtis t-then k-killed h-himself."

The black-haired teens vibrant purple eyes widened "Oh Grian... Red just killed everyone at the scout camp as well..." They hugged.

After about a minute, Xephor also came through the window, also sobbing. He didn't even need to explain, they had all known that Xephor's 'Friend' was a sociopath and the only reason Xephor had stayed was that he was afraid that he would kill his other friends.

He joined in. They fell asleep like that.

That night, the brothers bond became unbreakable.


Grian stood in front of the entrance portal to Hermitcraft.

He was to become more.

To become more then his parents ever thought he would be.

To leave his pain-filled past behind.

To go to a new chapter of his life.

To find himself.

---Not so fluffy anymore it seems.---

Watcher sung into his mic, sharply rapping.

He was done.

Done with uselessly trying for people who don't care.

Done with listening to anything but his own heart.

Done with scrambling for a foothold.

Done with locking in his emotions.

---...This is escalating steadily...---

Xephor stood in front of the crystal, wielding his hope in his hands.

He was ready.

Ready to become a white-ranked admin.

Ready to find his place in the world.

Ready to make his mark.

Ready to lead.


Cramsalesman OUT

Word count 323

Hermitcraft Oneshots and AUs (Season VI And VII) ((FIN))Where stories live. Discover now