crack-A... Blue sweater?

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Request made by WinterIcedTea


An alternate grian gets swapped with our grian. Everything about him is the same. Other than the fact that he wears a BLUE sweater (*GASP*). The hermits freak out, and blue sweater grian is like "what the hell." since he is utterly oblivious and tries to explain that he always wears that and hates the color red.


Third person

Xisuma was half asleep on his desk. He had a terrible headache and he didn't know what was causing it.

Abruptly, the other admin on the server left the world. Xisuma's head snapped up and he opened the coding. Nothing. Didn't say he left. Just a brief glitch and that was it. He checked Grian's character. Everything was normal, but the coding claimed his sweater was blue.

Panicking slightly, he typed in chat.

Xisumavoid: Grian? are you still on?

Docm77: is grian okay or did he 'accidently' chicken bomb someone again?

Grian: uhhh yea? why? i haven't left the server for the last couple of days. and I haven't bombed anyone doc.

Xisumavoid: the coding just did something odd. I felt you leave the server then I checked the coding and theres nothing. and your sweaters coding is screwed up as well

Stressmonster: bizarre.

Grian: well, its normal to me. just as blue as it always is

MumboJumbo: isn't it red?

Grian: uh, no. i hate red. reminds me of blood.

Docm77: wth???

Xisumavoid: serverwide meeting. shopping district. NOW.

Xisuma quickly left his base and flew towards the shopping district. He was reviewing the coding repeatably, he didn't see anything wrong with it.

So what was Grian talking about? Last he had checked, Grian hated blue. Doc was probably flipping out. What has the void done now?

He landed near Grians traveling cart, seeing multiple other of the hermits standing there, varying amounts of worry and confusion on their faces. Then Grian landed.

Perfectly normal, but he was wearing a blue sweater. Mumbo yelped out "What? You don't like blue, right? You don't even have any blue in your wardrobe!"

'Grian' made a baffled noise "What are you talking about? I always wear blue."

All of the hermits exploded. The area was mostly people asking questions and screaming in panic (Mumbo), fussing over Grian (Doc), and making rhymes about how bizarre this was (Joe).

Xisuma attempted to get everyone's attention, but failed. Then he grabbed his makeshift gun-thingy and shot it off. This caught everyone's attention and the area went silent.

"Everyone calm down! This could just be the void screwing with us again!"

Someone yelled from the back "Like EX? I hope this isn't permanent like he is!"

It descended into chaos once again. Doc ended up throwing his trident and a lightning bolt shut them up.

X sighed, rubbing his nose "Alright. Grian's acting perfectly normal, minus the blue sweater. Any guesses to why this is happening?" Everyone started talking at once "ONE AT A TIME! Joe! You go!" Joe shouted his southern drawl loud "Ya'll could help me make a rhyme and maybe it'll fix up Grian!!"

Xisuma facepalmed "What is your logic Joe? Iskall, your turn."

Iskall's Swedish accent was painfully obvious "Yah, he could be like, flipped with a differrent werrsion in a differrent worrld. Like an alterrnate uniwerrse or something, yah?" there was a couple seconds of silence as everyone translated what he had said and then the chaos ensued. Someone randomly yelled "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIEEEE-"

Xisuma set off a firework "STOP! First off, that's not possible Iskall, second, we are not going to die!" Grian was very stressed and asked "Guys... I don't understand what's wrong. I've always worn this sweater."

Stress walked up to him "Grian hun, you hate blue. You said it reminds you too much of an old friend." Grian shook his head "Uh, no. I wear this to remember a friend of mine. Red reminds me to much of blood, so I don't wear red-"

Someone screamed "IT'S AN IMPOSTERRRRRRRR!!!!!!" Everyone panicked when they realized they didn't know who said it and more panic ensued.

At this point, Xisuma was exhausted "Guys.... Guys... GUYS!!!!" everyone stopped. Jevin had Python in a tight headlock, and he released him.

"Let Grian talk." The blue sweatered man glanced around and stated "Isn't Mumbo's hair supposed to be blond?" a shocked silence. Then Xisuma slowly turned to Iskall "You might be right, my Swedish friend."

Iskall shifted his feet "Yah. Thought I might be."

There was a silence, then Doc stated "So... how do we get our Grian back?"

A collective shrug and Xisuma suggested "I could just ask the void to swap them back." Most people agreed, one or two didn't have a opinion apparently.

Xisuma shut his eyes and reached out to the void. 'Hey void. Would you mind swapping my friend back?' he felt the same disturbance and he opened his eyes. Red sweatered Grian was back!

Grian sighed looking around and running a hand through his hair "So it didn't work?" Mumbo laughed "It did, actually! Blue sweatered Grian was just here!"

A grin spread across Grian's face. "Oh, yea. I chicken bombed your base in this world Doc."


I didn't loose my motivation for this one! Thx Winter!

Didn't know how to finish it, so this is the resolution.

Cramsalesman OUT

Word count 894

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