Fluff/whump-Icy Willow

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NOTICE: For Etho's Canadian accent I just threw in a few 'Eh's and for Doc I used a German accent generator. I threw his dialogue into the generator and changed the bits that I figured would be to strong of a accent. Doc's accent is so thick later on because he's panicking.

SHIPS: DocxEtho (Ethoc)

Third Person

A smile graced Etho's lips as he and Doc skated across the ice. Etho drifted gracefully, while Doc was clumsy, movements jerky and unstable.

"Doc sweetie, eh, you need to stop focusing on staying upright. It wont help." The cyborg was practically cutting off Etho's arms blood circulation, absolutely terrified of falling.

Doc didn't respond just loosening his grip slightly. Etho had practically begged Doc to come skating, his boyfriend couldn't even rollerblade without falling over. It was quite amusing, actually.

Unhooking his arm slowly from Doc's, he slowly skated away. "Come on Doc, eh, you got this." Frozen like a deer, Doc slowly loosened up, a shaky laugh of relief leaving his lungs. He moved slowly, heading toward Etho.

Etho decided to tease Doc and skated farther away, laughing at Doc's amused and irritated expression. "Ethoooo-"

Speeding up slightly, Etho danced around Doc, happily gliding across the ice. Doc, gaining some confidence, began to move. He shakily drifted across the frozen lake and Etho stopped infront of him, giggling at his movements. "You look like a baby deer!"

Waving his hand at Etho, Doc leaned forward slightly, gaining a tiny bit of speed. "Mein schins are koing to HATE me tomorrow-"

Etho glided forward and sunk into a relaxed rhythm next to Doc. "Eh, you got that right." He grabbed Doc's arm and led him towards a willow that was sitting on a small island in the middle of the lake.

The snowy branches swayed in the slight wind, icicles clinking together. Doc's breath caught once he caught sight of it. "Pretty, eh?" Doc pulled out of Etho's hold and drifted towards the tree, finally less clumsy. "It really is..."

Etho smiled at Doc's childlike wonder. It was great to see him relax, since the start of the button, he had gotten extremely obsessed. Everyone was worried but they left it alone. It was concerning, some nights Doc didn't sleep and by default, neither did Etho.

A owl perched on one of the few iceless branches, observing them with sharp eyes. It was beautiful, snowy white feathers splashed with black.

Doc turned, a joyous laugh coming from him as he headed back over to Etho and pulled him in for a quick kiss and darting off, leaving Etho a bit flustered.

"Hey, come back here and finish that eh!" Etho darted after Doc, who was laughing as he glided away. "Vu'll have to catch me first, mein kleiner Vogel.(1)" Etho darted after him, catching up quickly and reaching out to snag Docs scarf, but Doc evaded him by inches.

Etho, slightly baffled as usually Doc was the one chasing him around, turned quickly and lost his balance, falling onto the ice and starting to laugh as Doc glided up to him.

"Zat looked like it hurt." Etho stuck his tongue out and pushed himself up, grabbing Doc by the scarf and pulling him in for a kiss. Doc fell on top of Etho, completely ruining the moment, but they both lost their minds laughing.

They lay there for a few moments, laughing on the ice, two boyfriends having the time of their lives. After a long moment, they finally collected themselves, Etho shoving Doc off of him. "Eh, up you go Doc."

Doc stood up slowly, slipping multiple times. Etho held out his arms, insisting that Doc pick him up. Softly laughing, Doc helped Etho stand up and began skating again, heading towards where they had put the enderchests with food.

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