Chapter 3

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Its' been two days since you've been at the police station, and for those two you've been talking to Shouta Aizawa, the person you healed, he seems really nice though he can use some extra sleep, you guys played games, talked, you guys also talked about each others quirk, you've grown attached to him, he took you to the park, but you just sat on the bench next to him

"Mr.Aizawa where am I gonna go, I cant live at the police station forever" he looked at you and back at the park

"You might be living with me for now, also you can call me Shouta"

"Really!" he nodded

"That's if you want to" you nodded your head rapidly

You guys went back to the police station "When can I go with you" you asked

"Tomorrow probably, I have to sign some papers, you also have to wake up early on week days because I have to teach a class" you nodded understanding

You guys talked some more before he left, you honestly couldn't wait to leave and go with Shouta, you hurried up and went to bed, you've been sleeping at the lounge place it's comfy enough to sleep in so you didn't mind

You woke up bright and early ready to leave, since he had to teach a class today he picked you up really early, you didn't have stuff with you, since you know....... you where kidnapped

You looked at the school in front of you, it is HUGE! "This is where you work!"


"Wow your lucky!" you said while staring at the huge building

"Eh I wouldn't say lucky I have to work with teenagers"

"Oh never mind there the worst" he chuckle at your statement you got out of the car and walked at the entrance

"I want you to go to the teachers lounge and stay there, you know All Might" you nodded your head "He'll be watching you for now okay so be good" "

"Okay!" You walk in the school admiring everything, you never seen anything like this, you walk into the teachers lounge to see a skeleton man, you recognize him as All Might

"H-hi" you squeaked, you where still a little shy to other people besides Shota

"Oh [y/n] am I correct" you nodded

"[y/n] you must keep your mouth shut, know one could know All Might's secret okay" Shouta said

"What do you mean" you asked confused

"Come here" All Might signal you to sit on his lap, you sat down and looked at All Might "You see kid I was in a really bad accident a few years ago" he shows his scare "This right here, I can only be in that big body for a few hours before my body gives up so please don't tell no one about this okay?"

"Well why can't I just heal it then" he cough's out blood

"Hahaha don't make me laugh kid no one can heal this thing"

"Yes I can" you had a poker face on "My quirk Angel touch can heal any wound or bring people back to life" he looked at Aizawa to see if you were joking or not, he nodded his head, his face was priceless

"W-well kid let's do that until I really need it okay" you nodded

"Okay I got to go teach these brats I'll be back in a few hours, oh and Toshinori you lose her I'll kill you" and he shut the door he had a sweat drop down his forehead 'Heh already attached to this kid' he thought

It's been awhile now and All Might had to go do something he told you to stay put buuuuut you where curious so you walked off, you looked around and found a door that says 1B and it was a huge door, you jumped and grabbed the handle it open slowly but you where still hanging on you let go and landed on your butt, you turn around to see a really big guy that looks angry

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