Chapter 41

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

I called my foster mom and told her she doesn't have to pay for the apartment since I'm moving with my dad, she told me that it can be my own little space if I wanted privacy or anything, she kept on bugging me to keep it so I agreed that I'll use it when I need to, I looked around the apartment "This ain't no little hang out space, it's a whole ass house" I moved all my belongings to my dads house

As I walk in Leo and Noodles hopped on my shoulders rubbing against me "Missed you too guys, you guys are becoming old, look at those gray hairs" I walked in my old room and...... nothing changed, not a single thing, everything was in the exact place as I left it, I sighed out and put all my old stuff in boxes, but I put them gently away, not wanting to ruin anything

"Redecorating your room" I hear my dad say from the door

"Yeah, I'm keeping the old pictures up though"

"So about your siblings, I have an empty attic, it's big enough for all of them to fit, we can redesign everything for there liking and build stairs so they don't have to use the ladders"

"You'll be willing to do that?"

"Of course, they deserve to be in a comfy home" I gave him a hug and he hugged me back

"Thank you" he gave me peck on the head and ruffled my hair

"It's no problem, go to sleep"

"Wait where's Eri?"

"She was training for the exams, she'll be coming back in like twenty minutes"

"Oh okay" I went down stairs and made sure that the kids where asleep in the living room, dad had a couch that turns into a bed so the boys where sleeping there, and the girls where sleeping on the other couch, once I was done checking them I hear the door open to reveal not only a Eri but a Kota as well, they look at me and froze and I look at them, I hadn't gotten to know Eri well enough to actually feel any deep emotions but Kota was another story

"Wait.... [y/n] is that you?" he said, he looked completely different, he had muscles, pretty big muscles, and his voice was deep, I couldn't help but feel my face get a little hot, but I tried to ignored it

"Hey Kota, I-it's been awhile hasn't it, did ya miss me" he came close

"You look different, you look..... pretty, I thought they took you away for good after you came back to life"

"I busted out, they had been abusing kids and I had enough of it"

"Oh... I'm sorry to here that, is that why there are kids sleeping"

"Yeah, there heavy sleepers, so don't worry about waking them up, there my siblings, I've been with them for a long time"

"There cute, you really changed, so you still play Nintendo"

"Yeah, my foster mom got me one and I played non stop"

"Huh guess some things never change, like how beautiful you are-" he froze, realizing what he said and he turned beet red, I chuckled

"I can say the same myself..... handsome I meant handsome" 'Nice going [y/n]' "so what where you guys doing"

"Training for the U.A exams, your going next year right" Eri said

"Nope this year" they look confused "I was bumped up a whole year because everything was way to easy for me"

"Cool! We can hang out together now" Kota said, still trying to get the blush off of him

"Yeah, hey Kota after the exams wanna catch up on stuff" I asked him

"Yeah, you and me can go to a arcade or something"

"I'll like that, anyways it's getting late you should get going" I said, we waved goodbye and he left

"Someone has a crush" I was startled, I had totally forgotten that she was there the whole time

"Pfff no I don't" I can feel my cheeks warm up

"Yes you do, I can see it, he likes you too"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, we should get sleeping, it's getting late" we went upstairs, and I went to bed 'psshh, I don't have a crush, I don't have the time for drooling over a boy, I'm better than that'


'He did look kinda hot' I smacked myself, and rubbed my face "whhyyyyy" I groaned and looked at the ceiling "maybe I do have a crush on him" I thought about it and went to sleep

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