Chapter 59

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

"Okay... I'll come with you" 'I need to get answers as to who this guy actually is'

"Good" he put the glove back on and grabbed me and Eri's hand, he led us into this underground building pretty far away from where we were, he left us in a room, and I hear the door locked, it was dark and cold, it was also quiet, so quiet you can hear a pin drop from a mile away

"Is this where you spend most of your time" she nods her head slowly "what happens in here" she just looked away, I noticed that she has bandages all over her arms and legs "did he do this" I grabbed her arm but she quickly pulled back

"He does.... a lot of bad stuff" I know her quirk is powerful, but I never knew what her quirk does

"What's your quirk?"

"R-rewind" 'Rewind, what's that?'

"What does it do"

"It comes from my horn, I can rewind things to the point where it doesn't exist, even people. If something gets damaged I can rewind it to where it wasn't damaged at all, if a person gets hurt I can rewind them where there all better, I can just rewind things"

"That kinda cool"

"No it's not.... it's made to kill people"

"No, that's what I thought with my quirk, but it turns out I can take bad guys out"

"What's your quirk"

"I have Death Glare, Disintegration, Angel Touch, and Levitation, but my Levitation is pretty cool cause it can do a lot of things then Levitate"

"Wow... that's a lot of quirks" I nodded my head

"It can be burden sometimes but I make the best of it, you should do the same with yours" she looks up and smiles a little, then we hear the door open and it quickly faded away

"Both if you come here" we slowly walk towards him, he picked both of us up and walked down the hallway, all of this reminds me of the facility, and I don't like it one bit, he set us in a different room, there was chair, it looked like an electric chair, I turn over to Eri, her face was pale

"What's happening" I whispered to her, she kept her mouth shut

"Before we set you in, I wanna experiment on you" I pointed at myself "yes you, Eri can you use your quirk on her, wanna see what happens"

"D-do I have to"

"Do it" she looks at me with sorry eyes, I see her horn start to glow a yellow color, and all of a sudden it zaps at me but it refused to get even remotely close to me

"Huh?" I look at her confused "I thought that your quirk was to rewind things, how come nothing happened" I said

"Do it again" he said, she tried but this time it got me, but nothing happened

"HAHA!! I-it tickles!!! Stop I-I'm gonna peehee!!" it felt like little feathers touching me

"What the hell are you" I was rolling on the floor laughing so hard tears came out

"Stop, please! I'm gonna pee!!"

"Eri stop" she collapsed on the floor, and I was gasping for air

"Are you sure your quirk is just to tickle people" he grabbed the collar of my shirt and lifted me up to face him

"What the hell are you, how is it that her quirk doesn't effect you, it should've killed you by now" I shrugged my shoulders

"I don't know, a lot things don't effect me, especially specific quirks, guess Eri's quirk is one of them" he tossed me onto the chair and strapped me down, he put a needle in my arm

"Let's take a look at your DNA, see if there's an explanation" blood started to pump out and go into little tubes, after awhile it stopped, he left me in the chair with Eri

~~~~Time Skip 4 months~~~~

"Hey Eri, have you ever tried fried rice with teriyaki chicken" she nodded her head 'no' and I gasped "you never had them, it's like the best food ever, what about curry" again she nodded 'no' and I gasped again "wow, you never had a lot of food, but I bet once we get out of here I'll make sure you eat all the best foods in the world and we'll be playing games, and you can meet my best friend Kota, he's super nice and he has all the best video games-"

"[y/n] why are you doing this"

"Doing what, there's nothing we can do-"

"But with your quirk, you could've already left, why are you staying"

"Because I want answers, I've seen him before, he was powerful, different"

"How so"

"Think of it, I defeated All for One, but he somehow he was able to beat me in a matter of minutes, isn't that weird, after all the training and hard work I somehow.... I somehow lost.... it's my fault I wasn't paying attention for most of the part" I said leaning against my hand

"So your here because you want more answers about him"

"Yeah, you know anything about him"

"If I'm honest, no"

"Eh whatever, we'll get out in no time, after I'm done with Overhaul"

"But... what if we don't get out" I look at her with a determined smile

"Don't worry, if I somehow got out of that last facility, it wont be that hard to bust outta this one"

Ever since Overhaul took my blood samples he hasn't came and seen us, I wonder why, maybe somethings wrong with me, but who knows, he's probably scared once he figures out what they injected into me

~~~~Overhaul's POV~~~~

When I went to the lab room, and put the blood sample under the microscope, it shocked me "It can't be...


...... [y/n]"

I've been looking at the blood samples, for four months I couldn't believe my eyes, it couldn't be her, how did she end up here, when I looked at the blood there was something definitely wrong, that explains why Eri can't kill her... but the question is... what can

That question was answered quickly, the only thing that can kill her..



















.... is her"

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