Chapter 64

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A/N: SPOILERS!!! Don't read if you haven't seen season four yet!!

~~~~Izuku's POV~~~~

I was taken to the hospital because of the explosion, so was Kachan, he was yelling that he was fine and wanted to see [y/n], but she was rushed to the hospital in the ICU, so was Nighteye, we where just treated for our scratches and bruises, but for [y/n], we don't know what will happen to her, she didn't flinch when she slammed to the ground, and we all thought she was dead, but the paramedics found a heart beat and rushed her

"Do you think [y/n] is f-"

"Of course she's fine! So shut the hell up Deku" I just stared at the ground "hey lady! When can I see [y/n]!" she looked at him and her expression seemed sad

"I-it won't be until awhile, she's undergoing surgery" our eyes widen "we don't if she'll make it, the probability of her living during the surgery is at a five percent chance, that's what the surgeons told me" we stayed quiet, I couldn't comprehend words, my mind was blank

"Wh-what about Nighteye, will he live" again we where met with a sad expression

"He might not live to see another day"

~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

"In the jungle the mighty jungle the LION SLEEPS TONIGHT-"

"She made it, that's a miracle"

"What do they mean I made it? Are they doing surgery on me or something" I was sitting on the floor singing the lion song, I had nothing else better to do, so might as well just sing

"Can there be any visitors, there are quite a few people who are waiting to see her"

"Yes but make sure only four at a time, she needs to be in a peaceful environment"

"Why can't things go my way, what if I do repeat the ten months, at least I won't have to go to that hell hole of a facility, but ten months in a coma, all alone, with no one to talk to, that's a vacation for me!" I said as I lay down "but a very depressing vacation"

I sighed as I get up looking around, the only thing that's keeping me updated from the outside world is people's voices, that's the only thing

~~~~Izuku's POV~~~~

I look at Nighteye, his eyes are becoming duller by the second, we all knew he isn't going to make it, all of sudden Miro comes running inside the hospital room, tears where flowing down his eyes as he looks at him

"Nighteye!! Y-you can't die please! I need you! Don't leave me... please...." he looks directly at me "wh-where's [y/n] she can heal him! Aren't her healing powers powerful, she said she can heal people or revive them! He needs her!"

"Miro, [y-y/n] just underwent surgery, she won't be waking up until a while, a-and I don't think she'll have the energy to revive anyone" I see him run out of the room and talk to one of the nurses, I quickly followed behind him "M-Miro! Please wait!"

He slowly opens the door, Kachan was already there, and we see [y/n] hooked up to many wires, her breathing seemed unstable and she had bags under her eyes, scars, bandages all over her body, she looked so.... broken... Miro just sit there looking at her

"What the hell do you guys want"

"S-Sorry Kachan we just-"

"I-I can't..... she already went through enough" he says as he leans against the wall "I wish she could... at least heal a bit of him, but I don't want to be a burden" he starts to cry while burying his face between his legs

~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

Everything seemed quiet, until I heard a door open, there wasn't talking but I heard bits of sniffles like someone had been crying

"I-I can't, she already went through enough, I wish she could... at least heal a bit of him, but I don't want to be a burden"

"Miro, that's Miro! What do you mean heal, wait..... Nighteye!! He needs my help, I need to get out of here!!" I look around but it's just pitch black "How do I get out! Someone please can anyone help!! I need to heal him!!! I NEED TO GET OUT!!!" there was some sort of black ink covering me, all of a sudden I was sucked into the ground without warning

~~~~Izuku's POV~~~~

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beeeeeeeeeeeep*

Me, Kachan's, and Miro's eyes shot up to the monitor "H-HELP!!" I ran out of the room "SOMEONE HELP!!!" all the doctors came running in and we where quickly kicked out of the room "sh-she can't die yet, she's too young" I said as I bawled on the floor, I see Miro waking away with his head hung low "where are you going"

"To say goodbye to Nighteye" 'why do things have to go south, Nighteye and [y/n] are both gonna die, and we can't do anything about it' I get up to follow him, but Kachan stayed behind, as we walk back All Might looked at me, he put a hand over my shoulder

~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

I look around and see Death right in front of me "[y/n], if you use your Healing powers in someone, you'll be giving up your life to save there's"

"But I'm willing to do that, he needs my help, people need him more than me, please I need to wake up to help him" he sighed out

"Your just like your grandmother" I looked at him confused

"My grandmother? Not right now, I need to help him, can you please wake me up" he nodded his head and puts a hand over my eyes, and next thing I knew I was met with doctors everywhere

"She's alive!" they all sighed of relief when they saw my eyes open, I quick sit up

"Wh-where's Nighteye! I need to heal him!!" I tried to get off the bed but the doctors where holding me down "please he needs my help!!"

"You need to lay down" I levitated all the doctors and I jumped out of the bed and ran/limp towards Nighteye's room

"[y/n] where are you going!?" Katsuki follows behind me

"N-Nighteye! Don't worry I'll heal you"

"[y-y/n] your okay!" Izuku looks at me surprised, I quickly walked up to Nighteye and grabbed his hand, but when I used my Angel touch quirk, blood came out of my mouth

"[y/n] stop!!" All Might dragged me

"I-I need to... I need to heal him, please, he'll die if I don't" the doctors came running in

"Wait don't let her heal him! She'll die if she uses her last bit of healing energy!"

"I-I don't care if I die healing him!! Miro needs him, people need him more than me! Please.... just let me help him" I said, tears rolling down my chin, I felt a hand on my face, I look up to see Nighteye

"Everything will be okay... no matter what be strong, all of you will be fine without me.... remember to keep smiling even when a situation is bad... when you smile your showing everything will be okay..... so show people that your okay because when you do... they'll be safe in your care"

"B-but when your gone.... I won't be okay"

"Yes you will, it's a matter of time when you accept the fact that the people you love will one day leave, just keep smiling and show how bright you can be when a love one is gone, and appreciate your family and friends, because one day they won't be there" I nodded my head slowly, he looked over to Miro "Miro make sure to take care of her, I have a feeling she's special"

"I-I will, Nighteye"

"I wish all of you the best of luck"

*Beep* *Beep* *Beeeeeeeeeep*

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