Chapter 56

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

I made my way around looking for Shigaraki, I did my best to avoid any sight from anyone


"[Y/N]!! COME BACK!!"

I hear there screams for me, and I ran away from where there yelling's are, but it was hard, there was rubble everywhere and fire, I hear crashes and all of a sudden All Might was flying across slamming against buildings "damn... where is Shigaraki?" I kept looking around and was about to give up, but maybe he was near where All for One and All Might were fighting, I came back to and see All Might in his skinny form, it looks like he's about to give up...

... then I see Shigaraki behind All for One, I made my way towards him avoiding being seeing by All for One, he luckily wasn't too close to him so I was able to get past him and get to Shigaraki

"Shigaraki!" I whispered yelled, he looks at me with wide eyes "let's go! We gotta get you outta here" I grab his hand and pulled him away

"[y/n] stop"

"No we have to get you somewhere safe, the heroes will turn you in and you'll be locked up, come-"

"[y/n] stop, listen I know if I get caught and continue with my villains says I'll go to jail, but it's too late to turn back and become good again, I know you want to change me but there's no changing time, I'm sorry"

'Changing time... I can't go back in time now, but maybe when I turn thirteen again I'll go see him as a child and change everything'

"I want you to know I'm not gonna give up on you, but for now I'll let you be"

"Thank you, now go with your family there probably worried"

"Wait" I still had the cat plush and handed it to him "keep him, I always hugged him when I felt alone or scared, he helped me a lot, maybe he can help you as well" he took it making sure not to turn it to ashes

"I'll make sure to keep him somewhere safe, now go before All for One sees you" I ran away, looking at the fight that's happening, somehow All Might's losing and all I'm doing is standing here doing nothing about it

"My levitation quirk can really come in handy right about now" I tried to see if I had it by trying to lift a rock up... but nothing "come on just work!" I did my best to try again but still nothing, I started to frustrated "why aren't you working!" I stomped my feet to the ground and suddenly everything started to float including my hair

"What the hell..." All for One and All Might looked around confused

"Finally" I said as I made all the rubble slam towards All for One, he blocked it by using his arms but I can tell I did some damage

~~~~Izuku's POV~~~~

We searched everywhere but we couldn't find where she ran off, so the next best thing was to hope and pray for the best she's okay, but when I looked at the screen...

[y/n] was attacking All for One!?

"What is she doing!?" I look as she attacks All for One with her new... quirk?

"She's.... she's doing damage!" Kachan looks in disbelief and so was everyone else

"How is a child able to do so much damage" people couldn't believe there eyes, everyone's blood went cold when All for One punched towards [y/n]


Waves of gasp emerged and we couldn't do anything but stand there and hope for the best

When the dust cleared she was still standing... with a smile!?!

Her arm was bruised and bleeding a bit but overall she was okay

"How is she fine!?"

~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

"What is this child" I threw more boulders at him, he kept punching one after the other but he was getting tired as he kept going, as for me I can do this all day

"Your worst goddamn nightmare" I jump into the air slamming my feet into the ground forcing pressure into my levitation quirk making the ground slam into All for One, gust of wind blocked everyone's view and when it cleared I can see All for One laying on the ground unconscious "I did it!" I jumped in the air cheering

"[Y/N]!!" Toshinori comes running towards me with a worried expression "are you alright!?" I nodded my head "how... how did you do that?"

"I don't know, it just came" he carried me and looked at All for One making sure he was unconscious before running and taking me back with everyone else, I can feel my body become cold and heavy, but why "Uncle Might... I don't feel goo......"

"[Y/N]!!!..... [y/n]!!......[y....n]...."

I couldn't hear anything, nor see... everything went black and next thing I know I stand I front of Death again

"This time, things will turn for the worst"

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