Chapter 76

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A/N: Well that was the longest break from this story I had, sorry for the late update I got kinda lazy and sluggish, and then I got sick, but not with the coronavirus, just some horrible allergies, like really bad, but now I feel fine and thriving, I also watched the Hero Rising move and I cried in the corner for a hot minute, but they where happy tears

I hope you guys like the chapter and don't forget to vote, thank you!

~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

After what happened yesterday, everything was settled, Loud Cloud went back to his study and catches up with dad, everything was also settled with the police, though I got grounded.... again, but I'm used to it by now, no games, and I have to go to bed early, but I do get to watch tv, only for a certain amount of time

I was relaxing setting my head on my dads desk while Eri was on dads phone watching a movie, it was just a normal day honestly nothing special.....

..... until my dad announced the students will go to an island helping people like heroes would

I shot my head up so fast I almost fell flat on the floor, everyone was excited and talking, which annoyed my dad and activated his quirk, everyone died down and I look at my dad, he pulled out a map and started to explain what will happen and what there doing, I was listening but Eri didn't really care so she continued watching her movie

"So is it just us that's going sensei"

"Yup, I will not be attending along side with you guys, so behave yourself" I sulk in my seat squishing Eri in the process

"What's wrong"

"I can't go with the class"

"Why don't you ask"

"There is no way dad will let me go with them unless he goes along" I was sulking so much I flopped to the ground, she looked down then back at dads phone

"It won't hurt to ask"

"What about you"

"I don't wanna go, I prefer to stay home" I got up and sluggishly walk to my dad resting my head on his leg, he continued his lecture until the bell rang, then he finally looked at me

"You wanna go with them don't you" I nodded my head "well you can go, but there will be someone watching you, he's an old friend of mine and he has two kids, maybe you guys can get along, he's on a business trip for a bit but will be back soon"

"Is it alright if I can stay dad"

"Yeah I figured you wouldn't want to go Eri" he said, he was reading a few papers then looked back at me "your still grounded, but you can still have a bit of fun over there" I stood there shock

"Really? Your letting me go"

"Yeah, plus there's a boy who can help you with your scars and injuries"


"Yeah, just don't do anything you know....."


"Yeah, that"

"Don't worry when's the last time I did something stupid- don't answer that"

"Exactly, we'll pack up your stuff tonight" I jumped up and down excited "but please for the love of god be careful and don't get into trouble, there's only so much I can take before having a heart attack"

"I'll be careful, I promise, I'm gonna go tell the class" I ran out the door and went towards there next class, which was English, I opened the door so quickly I fell, but got up quickly "guess what!" everyone was looking at me


"I'm gonna tag along in the field trip island thingy!"

"But isn't sensei not coming along"

"Yes but he has a friend that's gonna be watching me and I heard he has a kid that can heal my scars and injuries"

"That's good, are we watching you as well" Izuku asked

"I don't know, probably"

"Uhhhh, [y/n], I'm teaching"

"Sorry Uncle Mic, I'll be leaving I just had to tell them, bye bye!" I ran out the door and made my way towards Hitoshi's class, I knocked on the class door and the teacher opened it "hello!"

"Oh hi [y/n], need Hitoshi" I nodded "okay make it quick, there about to take a test" he opened the door wider and I walked in

"Hitoshi guess what"


"I'm going to a island with the class" he stares at me for a moment, maybe processing what I said

"..... whatever you do please don't die on me, I don't need to have another heart attack"

"Don't worry about it, I'm with the class"

"Last time you where with the class you where kidnapped by villains"

"That's different I went with the villains"

"You what-"

"Gotta go, see ya later, bye, love you!" I ran out the door and skipped my way back to my dads class

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

"Alright where done packing" my dad said, he looks at me and let's a sigh out "[y/n] can you please promise that you won't get into trouble, I don't want anything bad happening to you again, so please be don't be as reckless" I can tell he was serious from the tone of his voice

"I'll be careful, I promise dad" he gives me hug and a kiss on the forehead

"Okay now let's eat" I grab his hand and we head to the kitchen 'what's the worst that can happen'

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