Chapter 67

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

Me and Kota got out of the car and made our way towards the arena thing, as we where were walking we hear a women screaming towards our way

"Aizawa~!!!" I look behind me and see a green hair girl with a bandana running our way "hey where is Aizawa" she looks at me

"He's at some sort of meeting"

"Oh, who are you"

"I'm his daughter, [y/n]" I can see her shatter

"Oh... who's your mom"

"Well my dad isn't really my blood dad, he adopted me, but he does have his eye on a special someone" again she was shattered


"That's a secret I can't tell, but I will tell you this, it's a boy" I ran away giggling and grabbed Kota's hand, once we made it to the arena we sat on the bleachers looking down at Katsuki and Shoto, there where two other people as well, Camie and Inasa, they looked pretty cool, well... Inasa looked pretty cool, Camie was a different story, but anyways they where getting ready for there final exam and where looking at the gate waiting for the person to come "[y/n], Kota, why don't you guys go with them" me and Kota looked at Uncle Might with a confused expression

"What? Aren't like pro heroes gonna fight them"

"No, not exactly but you will be help with them, so go with them, it's gonna be fun" we shrugged our shoulder and walked down with them

"What are you guys doing here" Katsuki asked

"Uncle Might said that we will be help in this situation, so here we are" I said, we where waiting for the gates to open, but it was taking awhile so me and Kota zones out for a bit before we hear something terrifying....

.... children

We look ahead to see so many kids running out of the gates and all we did was stand there and look dumbfounded

"Heroes!!" they all yelled, but when they took a good look at them it quickly turned into disappointment "hey they aren't heroes, there just kids, and why are there little kids here too" I for one was offended

"Do you here them Kota, he just called us little kids, where practically the same age" I whispered to him

"Well I'm the same age, you two years younger then them"

"Still the same thing" I whispered yelled, I look back towards them, and oh my god these kids are giving me headaches, there tackling Shoto, Katsuki, and Inasa, as for Camie it looks like she's seducing a little kid before being punched by one of the girls on the butt

"Wanna go back" Kota asked


"Hey!" we look over to a boy with blond hair and a purple jacket "where do you think you guys are going, can't handle these kids"

"No duh, these kids don't have any manners to heroes in training, so what they aren't heroes yet, there meeting future heroes" I said as I grabbed Kota's hand ready to leave

"So not gonna stick around for the fight" I stop dead on my tracks

"A fight you ask" I said turning around slowly revealing my bloody black eyes, I can tell I scared the shit out of him since his skin went pale, I put them back to normal rubbing them a little

"[y/n] I think you should pass, you've already been through enough" Kota said as he tugged me away

"No way! I get to fight kids my age, come on let's show these brats that we got power!" I said as I ran next to Katsuki, he sighed and walked next to me

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