Chapter 36

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

I'm thirteen years old now, and It's the end of the middle school year, and I was able to graduate a year early since everything seemed too easy for me, I'm applying to U.A so I packed my things and got a plane ticket for me and the kids

For two years I taught the kids how to speak Japanese and they are now fluent in speaking it, so I don't have to worry about them asking for directions or needing help with something

My foster mom got me and the kids an apartment over there in case if I can't find my dad right away, she says she doesn't mind because Jesus Christ this women was rich, like she got her own business going and she can buy me a whole house if she wanted

Which she technically did considering how big this apartment is

"Thanks I don't know what I will do without you"

"Oh stop, your gonna make me cry" she gave me a hug and almost broke my back, she let go and I gasped for air

"We should get going, come on kids let's go where gonna miss the plane" they all came running down the stairs with there luggage and backpacks, my foster mom got us a cab and as we left we all said 'I love you' from the window as she waved goodbye to us "Japan here we come!"

"What's it like in Japan" Natsuo asked

"It's really pretty, and really fun, they have lots and lots of good food, and really fun games to play"


"Mhmm, but where not gonna do that right now, right now where gonna find my dad and until then the games and delicious food can wait" they pouted and looked away from me "don't give me those looks, once we find my dad I'll take you guys to the arcade" they gave me a smile and I sat back on my seat

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

Once I got to the airport we checked out our tickets and went inside, making sure I had everyone with me

I boarded the plane while holding my luggage, I sat on my seat and looked through my phone one last time before putting it on airplane mode, I sat back let out a long sigh and looked at the window "How long has it been since I last saw them"

"Who?" asked Akio

"Well my whole family"

"Can you tell me who was your family, I know your dad but what about everyone else"

"There's too many to count, like I had a lot of uncles and aunties, also a sister but I didn't get to know her before I was taking away, so I'm excited to meet them again"

"Wooow, I can't wait to meet them"

"Yeah, me too"

~~~~Another Time Skip~~~~

I got out of the plane and I ordered a cab to take us to the apartment, and once we got there I had to get some groceries to cook for the kids so we all went on a trip to the store "Okay kids don't go too crazy on the candy, we have a budget, I don't want you guys draining moms bank account"

"I think it will take years for us to drain it, but we know that we can't get too much, so where getting one candy each" I nodded and looked at the list on my phone, I'm making some curry since it's easy for me and I know how to cook it like the back of my hand, I got to the cashier and paid for our things, as we walked back to our apartment I heard a huge blast and felt a gust of wind, I stood in-front of the kids to blocked any danger and once the dust cleared I see huge man with a disfigured arm, he had horns and red eyes, and then he looked directly at me and the kids

"Shit" I grabbed the kids hands and we ran

"He's coming after us!!"

"Kids I want you to run, I'll hold him back, go to the apartment and lock the doors"

"W-what about you"

"Don't worry, I've been through worse, now go!" they ran and I turned around into a fighting position "come at me, you don't have the balls!!" he let out a growl and I went straight at him, he punched towards me but I dodged and grabbed his arm and broke it, he screeched in my ear and I punched his face repeatedly, he got a hold of my arm and through me towards a building, I slammed and fell down to the ground and I quickly got up, people where now running and screaming, a women caught my eye she had a baby but she fell into the ground

"Someone help!" it looks like she twisted her ankle and I see the man coming after her, he grabs a car and tossed at her, but I levitated it and threw back towards him making him fall a few feet back

"Come at me bitch!!" I ran my blood boiled and I let me anger get the best of me, I jumped into the air, spun to get momentum and slammed my feet into his head making him go unconscious, I was panting for air, blood dripped down from my head and I had little scratches around my arm "Is everyone okay!?" I asked as I walk away from him

"Thank you, thank you! You saved me and my baby"

"It's no problem, I should get go-"

"Hey! It's not your job to save people, it's my job! That's a crime! You should've just ran while helping the women"

"Well maybe if you got your ass over here faster I wouldn't have to take o.... ver" my eyes widen as I turn around to see who was talking to me, his red eyes and ashy blond hair make it easy for me to realize who he was


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