Chapter 81

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

"What?! Where did he go, how come Izuku isn't in the picture anymore, last time I checked he was next to me and Katsuki, but now he's no where.... did something happen to him..... but he was fine before I went back in time, so did something change when I came with them to the island" I said under my breath, there was thoughts swarming around my head, but one hit me hard

'Did he die'

I mean that can be most explainable, the class doesn't look as happy as before, they look a bit.... depressing, what scary is he disappeared from the picture when I got to this island, so something must've happened here

My gut feeling might be right about something, I want to go look around but then there's a chance that someone might wake up and notice I'm gone, I groaned and started to run down towards the town, I made a piece of the ground levitate and looked around, I went higher trying to see if anything sticks out to my sight

But there was nothing, I sighed out in defeat and started to lower myself into the ground, but something blue and red caught my eye, I quickly turn my head and started to speed my way towards the color

It was really far from where the class is, and I was praying to god they won't wake up while I'm gone

~~~~Kirishima's POV~~~~

"Denki... Denki, hey get your dirty hands off of me" I shoved his hand away from my face and got up to get a glass of water, when I came back I looked towards Shoto to see that [y/n] isn't with him

And I didn't see her in the kitchen 'I'll just look around just in case' I looked in the living room, bathroom, the work spot, I even checked outside 'maybe she's in the girls room' I didn't want to peek inside but I was becoming worried that she left

When I glanced around the room she was no where, I slowly closed the door and walked back to the boys room, and started to wake up Bakugou "what the hell do you want shitty-hair, it's two-thirty in the morning"

"I-I think [y/n] is gone" he shot up from where he was sleeping, almost head-butting me in the process

"What do you mean she's gone" he whispered yelled

"I looked everywhere, she wasn't in the kitchen, she wasn't in the living room or bathroom, she isn't in the girls room, she's not in the work space, I don't know where she is"

"Wasn't she sleeping next to that half-in-half bastard" he asked

"Yeah but she ain't there anymore" we both got up and I followed behind Bakugou to the living room, he flicked the switch and turned on the light, we look at the window and our eyes widen to see that there was a hole in it

"She didn't" I hear Bakugou mutter, we took a closer look and see ashes around it "she fucking disintegrated the window and left, how didn't you see this"

"I-I don't know, I was too busy trying to find her"

"How the hell where you supposed to find her if she's gone!"

"Stop yelling at me!"

"Hey what's going on?" we look behind and see everyone looking at us "wheres [y/n], wasn't she with you Shoto?" Midoriya looked at him

"She was but when I woke up she was gone" they all looked at us and I pointed out the broken window

"Did she... did she run away" we all went outside and see tiny footprints "oh god, sensei Aizawa is gonna kill us" Midoriya was internally freaking out

"What do we do" Ochako said while looking at all of us "if we don't find her sensei Aizawa will murder us, what if she gets hurt, or maybe worse"

"Can you guys calm the fuck down, I'll go find her, shitty-hair your coming with me"

"I'm coming too"

"Me as well" Midoriya and Shoto started to follow us, we trailed behind Bakugou

"Fine whatever"

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