Chapter 66

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~


"Yes honey"

"What are we gonna do with all the people outside"

"Well they want to see you, do you wanna go outside"

"Eehhhhhhh.... I guess, I don't want it to be too loud"

"I'll tell the doctors to warn the people" I nodded and he left to go speak with them

"Is that how a person shows they love you" I look at Eri and realize she hasn't felt how a person shows they love you

"Yeah, that's how dads show they love you, dads protect and make sure your okay, they take care of you"

"Oh... that must feel nice"

"Hey Eri, I was wondering if you want to join the family" her eyes sparkled

"R-really, but won't I be a burden"

"Of course not! You'll just be a sister to me! And my dad will be your dad!"

"I-I... yes!" she hugged me and I hear the door open to see Kota on the brink of tears

"You dummy!" he tackled me to the ground "don't do dumb things again! Who would I play with if you died!"

"I'm sorry" I hugged back and he wiped both of our tears

"Just don't do stupid thing again" I nodded my head

"Who's this" Eri asked, my eyes lit up

"This is my best friend Kota! Kota meet Eri, Eri meet Kota!" they awkwardly said hi, and is it just me or are they glaring at each other, my dad walked in and they still had this glare going on

"[y/n] come on, there all waiting" he picked me up and walked towards the entrance

~~~~Kota's POV~~~~

"Think you could replace me"

"Oh please I spent four months in the ground with her"

"But we have a lot in common"

"Oh yeah"


"We'll see who's more important to her then" she walked away with an angry glare 'Tsk! I won't lose to her, I'll show that [y/n] loves me... I mean likes me!' I tried to wipe the stupid blush off my face

~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

When I walked out there where flashes and cameras in my face, they where asking so many questions that it made me dizzy "please one question at a time, she just woke up" everything died down and I answered as many as I can, after that people thanked me and some where crying, my dad noticed that I was becoming tired "I think that's enough, she needs to rest more" they understood and left, but not without saying thank for the last time

"Dad, can I see the class now, I want to apologize"

"Why do you need to apologize"

"Because when they first came to see me, I wasn't that nice" he agreed and we went to the waiting room, I see all of them sitting on chairs with there phones out

"Hi guys" they all look up and ran towards me

"Your okay!" we had a group hug

"I-I'm sorry I was mean earlier, I wasn't feeling good"

"It's okay, you went through so much we understand" I cried again for the hundredth time, I calmed down a bit and Izuku spoke up

"Hey guess what" I look over to him


"Where having another festival"

"R-really!" they all nodded

"Like a sports festival?"

"It's a bit different, but it will be fun"

"When is it"

"We don't exactly know, but we do know it will be soon, are you excited" I nodded my head, I lifted up my shirt since all the stitches where bothering me, the whole class gasped when they looked

"Are you alright, those look like they hurt" Kirishima spoke

"Oh yeah I'm fine, they do hurt... a lot but it's starting to feel better" I see Katsuki sigh out, but it wasn't the tired one, it was more of an annoyed one "what's the matter Katsuki"

"Nothin, it's just you got hurt pretty bad so I'm ... a little worried about you..." he muttered "and I just gotta deal with the Hero License Exam, again, so does Icyhot"

"What's the the Hero License Exam"

"We just gotta deal with fighting, and other stuff, just annoyed and tired I gotta deal with this bullshit again, at least it's the last day"

"Oh! Can I come, please"

"I really think you should stay, I mean look, you have a huge ass gash in your stomach"

"B-but I'm feeling better!"

"Ask All Might, he's the one that's gonna be there, but ask your dad first"

"Dad! Can I come with them please!"


"Please!! Come on, I dealt with a lot of things, can I relax and go with Katsuki and Shoto" my dad thought about it for a minute before sighing out

"Fine, but make sure to stay with your Uncle Might, okay"

"I pinky swear" I held out my tiny pinky and he connected it

"Wait weren't you supposed to come Aizawa"

"Yeah but things came up and I have to skip the last day, so Hizashi will be goin with you guys" I see Kota and Eri come towards me

"Oh! Kota, Eri wanna come with me to see Katsuki's and Shoto's last hero license exam!"

"Yeah!" they both said in syncs

"Eri I don't think you can make it, we have to speak to the police about your situation" my dad said

"Oh" she looked down

"Hey Eri, there's a festival coming up, we can all look forward to that" I said trying to brighten up her mood

"I guess, hope you guys have fun!"

"Wonder how the last day will be like" I said to Katsuki and Shoto

"We'll probably fight some big pro heroes or something"

A/N:YO!! We just hit 2k votes!!! Ain't that crazzzzyy!!! I just wanna thank all of you guys for the support and for all the follows, I really do appreciate it and you guys always encourage me to write more chapters, so THANK YOU!!

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