Chapter 72

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

'How am I gonna get him back, am I gonna have to sneak out, maybe I can ask the girls for a slumber party, and then I can make my move when they all fall asleep'

"Hey dad can I have a sleep over with the girls"

"Ask them" I put in my greatest puppy eyes I could muster and walk towards the girls

"Awww! What's the matter [y/n]"

"Can we have a sleep over please"

"Of course we can! It's the weekend anyways, so we can party all night!" 'Not apart of the plan, but they'll eventually fall asleep'

"Yay! Eri you coming!" she nodded her head

"Okay come to the dorms with your pjs on, at around seven or eight pm, okay" we both nodded our heads and walk back to our dad

"They said yes and to be there in our pjs at around seven or eight pm" he nodded and packed his papers, we went to the house, which wasn't far anymore and we relaxed until it hit seven thirty, me and Eri got in our pjs and left to the dorms, once we got there the girls where already to party

"Come on [y/n] and Eri! Let's start to paaaaarty!" I had a sweat drop but Eri was excited...

... great

~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

It was now three in the morning, the girls already fell asleep and I was waiting for the perfect moment, and now is my chance, I walked over there sleeping bodies and quietly made my way to only one of the girls room, I took there ID and scanned Mina's room and walked towards the window 'I'm really doing this, I'm really gonna run away... but this is for dad' I levitated part of the ground and walked on it then sped away towards an alley, hopefully I run into Shigaraki or Dabi and not some sort of creep, after awhile of looking around I see a familiar spiky haired guy with purple stitches

"Dabi!" I whispered yelled at him, he turns around with wide eyes

"[y/n]? What the hell are you doing here, it's three o'clock in the morning"

"I'm looking for Shigaraki, do you know where he is"

"Follow me" I followed him until we made it into another abandon building, I look around and spotted Shigaraki making his way out of a shadowy place, and all the other villains

"Shigaraki!!" I jumped into his arms which caught him off guard "I need your help!!"

"With what"

"It's about Kurogiri" he was shock for me to speak about him "I know he's in jail but I just learned something about him, that a lot people don't know about"

"What is it"

"Do you know Loud Cloud"

"Not really, doesn't ring a bell"

"Well he was a student in U.A high, he was best friends with my dad, in his second year of high school him and my dad where patrolling and a villain attack came up destroying buildings and killing people, in a attempt to save the preschoolers from a building collapsing on them Loud Cloud sent his cloud to protect them, leaving him to take the rubble, my dad thought he was fine, so he took the villain out, but in the end he figured out he was dead the whole time, and All for One got a hold of his corpse making him into Kurogiri" everyone was silent, they couldn't believe it, a hero, Loud Cloud, is Kurogiri

"How can you be so sure"

"A girl made a vision mirror that can look into the past, it showed everything, that's why I'm here so I can make my dad happy, I want to bring his best friend back, so can you please tell me where they took Kurogiri"

"I guess, but how are you gonna get him out"

"I'm gonna go against the law and break him out, so you guys gonna help me" I said with a smirk

"Hell yeah I'll help you" Dabi said

"Oh! Oh! Me too!! I wanna help!!" Toga said jumping up and down, all the other villains agreed and I looked at Shigaraki and he took his hand out

"I guess, let's do it"

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