Chapter 62

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~~~~Eri's POV~~~~

I ran and ran, my lungs hurt and my legs felt like needles where poking through, but [y/n] needs my help, I don't know what she was talking about the 'H' shape building so I went to a lady "m-ma'am, do you know anything about an 'H' shape building"

"You mean U.A high, it's right there" I look to where she was pointing, it looked far away

"Th-thank you-" a crash and scream cut me off, from the distance I see a (f/c) monster and a red monster fighting, I knew that (f/c) monster was [y/n], and it seems she's losing the fight "" I started running as fast as I can to the building, running across the street avoiding any cars, shoving people out of the way

Then I made it, there was a big metal gate blocking so I used my quirk to break it through it, I hear an alarm go off but it didn't stop me from running inside the building, breaking in, I ran until I saw three men, one with black hair and baggy eyes, another was a tall skinny man with blond hair, and the last was a man with glasses, long blond hair that goes up like a cocktail

"H-help!! My friend she needs help! She told me to go here because this is where heroes are!!" they looked confused

"Who's your friend, what does she look like, and where does she need help"

"H-her name is [y/n], she has [h/l] [h/c], and [e/c], and she's a bit smaller that me, she's fighting a villain and if you don't help her she's gonna die!"

"Wait... [y/n]..." it must've clicked that it was her cause they started running out, and when we went outside there was a horrible sight to be seen

Fire everywhere, buildings demolished, two monsters fighting like there's no tomorrow, heroes evacuating everyone, I can see [y/n] trying her best to not destroy anything, she even shield the people from a building collapsing on them

"Gather up every pro hero, we need to evacuate every citizen in the area"

"Wh-what about [y/n]"

"There's nothing we can do about it right now, for now we need to help the citizens, you stay here" they all ran and left me here, all I can do is watch as she is being beaten slowly

"What's going on" I turn around and see older kids look at the scene

"[y/n] is fighting Overhaul" they looks shock and confused

"Who's Overhaul"

"Someone you don't want to mess with"

"W-we have to do something, what if she... what is she dies"

"Y-you really don't want to mess with him, if you try to get in his way, he won't hesitate to kill you" they look pale "the pro heroes can't do nothing about him right now, all we can do is watch and hope she can defeat him...... somehow"

'[y/n] if anything bad happens to you... or even turns for the worst, I hope you know that everyone will think your a great hero... because I appreciate that you saved me, even when there is a dangerous situation you put yourself out there to help save people... and I want you to know your my hero'

~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

"... everyone get to safety" I shield the people from my 'dad',a little boy was crying from fear

"M-mommy I'm scared!" the mother was trying to comfort him

"H-hey... kid don't w-worry" he looked at me with tears eyes "I'll m-make sure nothing happens to you guys " I gave him smile, I felt another impact into my back, but I did my best to keep smiling so no one will be worried...

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