Chapter 22

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A/N: Sooooooo I was bored and decided that I imma finish this chapter TODAY because I have no life so enjoy ƪ˘)ʃ

~~~~Aizawa's POV~~~~

I've decided to bring Eri with me to U.A, maybe let her open up more to other people, she acts like [y/n] but she's super shy when it comes to talking to new people, so I'll introduce her to the class and hopefully she'll won't be as shy as she is right now "Okay Eri, I want you to meet my class" she immediately hid right behind my leg, and when I opened the door, she shuffled her way as I went inside, the class looked curiously as to who is behind me "class I'll like you to meet Eri, she'll be with us from now on" she peeked at the side and waved a little, but I can tell the class felt discomfort, that's until Izuku noticed something

"Hey! Your the girl I save from the expedition!" I can see her eyes widen

"I-I remember now, th-thank you" everyone was asking questions to Izuku until

"Tsk! Really sensei?! Do you really think this will make us feel any better!!? Letting another kid take over [y/n]!?! She'll never replace her, I don't want anything to do with that little brat!!" I can see hot tears prick her eyes

"Bakugou I now that your upset but do not take your anger out on her, she needed help so I came in, I hope you guys will make her feel welcome, and I know that you guys haven't recovered from [y/n] but please don't treat her any differently just because of what happened" they nodded slowly

"I-I'm sorry" she whispered

"Tsk! Just don't get in my way!" he sat back down and looked at the window

"Don't worry about him, he's like that to everyone, except for.... except for [y/n]" Kirishima slowly said, I can tell everyone's mood went down

"Come on guys, let's get our mind off of things and let's do some training" I said, they all got up and went to there lockers

~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

"Heeyyyyyyy mister when am I going hoooommeee" I was slouching on the ground, rolling over once in awhile "I'm boorrrreeeed, do you have games or I don't know, anything"

"This is purgatory, what do you think"

"I think it's time for me to go back home"

"Well to bad your staying here until your body says so" I pouted and a idea popped in my head

"Wanna play rock paper scissors"





"Stop it" I flopped on my belly and started to bang my hands and feet on the ground, throwing a tantrum

"I wanna play! I wanna play!"

"Fucking hell, you do realize that your yelling at Death right"

"And you can't do shit! Cause I ain't dead!" He was taken back at your words

"Damn, your the devils kid"

"Katsuki taught me that word, he always says that but I don't really know what it means"

"Never mind your just stupid" I stuck my young out at him

~~~~Katsuki's POV~~~~

I went inside my dorm making sure I locked the door, I went to my desk and started working on my homework, twenty minutes in I got a text from shitty hair saying he wants to go to a arcade or some shit, I'm too piss to do anything 'Fucking sensei thinking bringing another kid will make us feel better, that little shit will never ever be like [y/n].... she'll never make me happy like [y/n] did'

I went to my bed and looked through my phone, my screen saver was [y/n] and me flipping off the camera, still makes me smile, I was looking at old pictures of me and [y/n] when we where doing stupid shit, one of my favorite is [y/n] attacking the judges from the Halloween costume competition when they said we got second place, I took the picture at the exact moment of her hitting the judge in the face with her cane, hands down one of my favorite memories, others where me and [y/n] just doing random stuff, like her and me on top of tree, or us wearing makeup, took a lot of begging for her to let me do it, looked like a fucking clown, or me and her at the Forest Training Camp playing the Nintendo Switch...


The last photo of me and her 'what the fuck, why do I do this to myself, why do I always look at old pictures of me and [y/n], I always get mad at myself for letting her down..... it should've been me...... I should've been the one who died'

~~~~Kirishima's POV~~~~

'Huh, he didn't answer my text, I guess he wouldn't mind me going to his dorm' I walked out going towards his door but he locked it, I can hear something from the other side so I pressed my ear against the door listening carefully, that's when I heard sniffling 'I-is Bakubro crying!?' I can hear shuffling and I moved away from door quickly, the door opened to reveal Bakugou with puffy red eyes and some tears but he quickly wiped them away "A-are you crying Bakubro"

"No I'm not, I just have allergies, what the hell are you doing here anyways" 'He's lying' I shoved passed him and looked around "Oi!! Shitty hair what the hell do you think your doing!!!"

"I know your lying, how can you have allergies when it's the middle of winter" he thought for a moment "exactly, now tell me why are you crying"

"Tsk! It's non of your business, now leave me the hell alone" I see him sit down on his bed scrolling through his phone, now I'll never do this again, mostly cause Bakugou will kill me, but I have to figure out what's wrong with him, so I took his phone and looked to see what he was looking at "Shitty hair I swear to god if you don't-"

"Bakugou it's okay to cry" I can see his eyes widen "I know you miss her, so do I, but you can't just keep blaming yourself, it's not your fault" his fist clenched and he looks down

"It is my fault, I could've done something, but all I did was stand there and watch her die! Why couldn't I have been stronger, I felt so weak, and useless!" I was shock, Bakugou, the Bakugou, the one who is so prideful of himself, called himself weak and useless "just leave me alone" I sighed out and put his phone on his desk, then left closing the door

"Hey Kirishima what happened" I look to see Izuku with a worried expression

"Did Bakugou tell you how he felt about letting [y/n] down" I can see his expression drop down

"Y-yeah, when we got into a fight and got under house arrest, he blamed himself for everything, All Might's retiring and [y/n] death, he told me that he should've died" I slid down the wall and just stared blankly

"It's not his fault, if anything we all let her down"

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