Christmas Special

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A/N: This will not effect the story, and don't worry I added Eri into it so shits about to go down (not like a fight, like them getting into shit)

Also Merry Christmas guys!!!

~~~~Normal POV~~~~

"[y/n] come on where gonna be late" you hear Eri call out, you guys where currently getting ready for a party at the U.A building but you where having trouble reaching zipper the back of your red dress

"I-I need help!" you see her walk in and zip the dress

"Okay let's go" she grabs your hand

"Are you guys ready" we hear our dad

"Yup" both of you said, your guys in the car and drove off

Once you guys got there you immediately ran up to the entrance and tried to look for Katsuki once you did you ran into his arms "Katsu-kun! You look nicer than usual"

"I could say the same to you, you usually have shit all over your face"

"You too! I'm not the only one"

"Tsk! Sure whatever you say" he puts you down and you stuck your tongue and he does the same, you then walk away to see Kota drinking juice in the corner minding his business that's until

"Kota!!" you ran into his arms and fell to the ground, but he broke your fall "how ya doin!" you both got up and dust yourself off

"I'm fine, what about you"

"Ok, but I could be better if you shoot Katsuki's with your water quirk"

"You mean him" he pointed at Katsuki who was currently punching Kirishima with his shoe, you nodded your head "no thanks"

"What, why!?" you pouted

"Because he killed the other dude" you look to see Kirishima on the floor not moving

"He's not dead" you both stare at Kirishima for a while, he was still on the floor "okay maybe he's dead, but he won't do that to you"

"Yeah imma pass"

"Fine then can you dance with me" you can see a faint blush across his cheeks

"I-I can't" he said while looking away

"Why not"

"B-because I don't know how to dance" you giggled a little "h-hey don't laugh"

"I'm sorry it's just I don't know how to either, but that doesn't stop me" you grab his hand and dragged him to the dance floor, you started to do a little dance and he did the same after a while the songs went to a slow dance and you grabbed Kota's hands and both of just enjoyed each others company, that's until someone had to ruin it

"You wanna die today kid" the Bakusquad and Dekusquad (minus the girls cause they thought it was cute but the boys thought otherwise) was right behind Kota, and they look like they where about to murder him (well Deku tried to look intimidating -3-)

"Guys leave him alone" you hugged him defensively and he had blush across his cheeks, which made the even angrier, they dragged you away from Kota and got down at your level

"If he tries to do anything spray him with this" they gave you pepper spray "also this" and they gave you a stun gun

"What's this" you looked at the stun gun and zapped Sero "oh sorry!"

"E-eh I'm ok" he grunted

"At least we know it works" said Denki, you sighed out and put the things in your pocket, you might use it, not on Kota of course not, but maybe it'll come to use in the future, you grabbed Kota's hand and led him outside in the snow

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