Chapter 5

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The sports festival is today and you are relaxing with the class wearing a nurse outfit Midnight got you, when they signaled the class to go out you decided to go and sit down at the stadium, just in case if there is a medical emergency you can make your way down and heal them. You see the class make there way down "GO CLASS 1A, KICK THERE ASSES!!!!" they all looked at you shock then look at Katsuki to see a smirk on his face and a thumbs-up, you gave him a thumbs-up back and they knew immediately it was him that taught you that word.

After Katsuki saying he was gonna take place first, Midnight finishes explaining the rules and the first event is a obstacle race, they all get prepared and once Midnight says "start" they all ran like hell, your eyes where glued to the screen not wanting to take it off, you usually watch the event on the TV but this was the real thing and your actually helping the class, so of course you where excited about the whole thing. You see giant robots, you started to think of your own strategy on how you would take on a robot, which was pretty easy for you since it doesn't require any physical contact excepts for your healing quirk and the disintegration, but that's different.

The next was "The Fall" which was a canyon that has to be walked on ropes, now this would be a challenge for you, you see that Todoroki is ahead from him using his ice quirk on the ropes, you didn't really see anything interesting so you spaced out until you heard something that did get catch your attention you look at the screen to see the final obstacle which is called "The Land Mine Field" 'hm this will be interesting' you thought as you look at the screen, you see Todoroki ahead until Katsuki blasted his way next to him, they had a little fight until a huge explosion came and you see Izuku flying like a rag doll across the screen but then started to lose momentum and falls down so he used the metal piece that he had and hit the ground between Katsuki and Todoroki and flew in front of them taking first place, Todoroki taking second, and Katsuki taking third, soon the other students cross the finish line 'Now that was fun to watch'

The second event is called "The Cavalry Battle" and Izuku's headband is worth 10 million points 'poor Izuku' you thought shaking your head, everyone looked at him targeting there pray, 'I wonder how this will play out' after a few minutes of them trying to find there team, Izuku actually found a couple of people who do want to team up with him. The timer was up and the battle begins, of course most people went for Izuku's team but thanks to the bird boy he was able to block there attacks and for Ochako she can make them float also the pink hair girl with those weird glasses can make them float as well with those shoe thingy, it didn't get interesting until the end when Katsuki and Izuku were heading for Todoroki because he stole the 10 million headband and Katsuki face planted to the ground when the timer was up

"Well that was funny" you laughed and walked away, you find yourself outside taking a break, you also find a cat relaxing under a tree so you went up to it, you had a little something in your pocket, it was cat nip that you stole from your dads drawer, so as soon as you went up to the cat it rub it self all of you then another cat came soon two cats turn into four then eight then a couple dozen cats were all over you like probably thirty to forty cats "eeeehhhhhh to many go away shoo shoo" you tried walking but they kept following you all the way to the podium, you had a tribe of cats behind you " Can someone help me"

"Ehhhhhh! [y/n] what happen why are there so many cat!?!" Kirishima said he picked you up over his head so the cats won't crawl all over you but that just made the cats climb all over him "Oh god go away stop!" He tried to to run but there was to many, soon he was buried under cats "Help! There's to many cats!" Kirishima muffled

"It's ok I got you" when Izuku went to grab you away from Kirishima's grasp all the cats hissed at him and he backed away

"SEEMS WE GOT A CAT PROBLEM AT THE CLASS 1A SEATINGS" uncle mic yelled, you grabbed the cat nip from your pocket and yeet that stuff across the stage, all the cats went towards the cat nip "OKAY WHERE GONNA TAKE A QUICK BREAK AND GET THESE CATS OUT OF THE WAY"

You felt bad that people had to wait now but on the other hand you got to hang out with the class 1A 'Time for some bonding' you thought as you walked in the waiting area with the class 'let's see, who have I not yet got to known' you look around to see the bi colored boy with red and white hair in the corner minding his business, you walk up to him and tapped his legs, he looks down to see you and you started to speak "Hi Shoto I never really got the chance to talk to you so do you feel excited or nervous about the battle " he looked a little confused but ended up answering

"Neither" he responded

"Oh okay I guess you feel confident I bet, so whats your quirk I know one is ice but I heard you have another quirk" he looked a little discomfort "O-oh sorry I guess I went on a touchy subject I know how you feel I'm the same way about my quirk" you look down feeling a little stupid to ask that question but all of sudden you feel someone petting your head you look up to see Shoto giving you comforting look 

"It's okay I'm not mad at you, it's complicated"

"Tell me about it" he chuckled and you never notice that he never smiled this was probably the first time you seen him smile "You should smile more you look good when you smile" he looks at you a little surprise but gave you a comforting smile

"Maybe I should" then the speaker blasted with uncle Mic's voice which interrupted your little bonding time sadly

"Awww looks like you have to leave, but I'll cheer for you!" you gave him a thumbs up which he gave back and just like that the class left

'Now what to do what to do' you had all access to the school and you are a 4 year old girl who can get away with almost anything
















This will be fun

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