Chapter 24

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

"Izuku!!" I ran up and hugged him "wh-what are you doing here, wait did you die!?!" he couldn't respond he was just crying and hugging me

"I-is this a dream" he asked between sobs

"No, your not dreaming this is real, but how are you here?"

"This is my fault, I tried to make a pathway from the heavens but I might have open the pathway to the living, and this is how he got here, he should leave immediately or he might actually die" the man in the black cloak said, Izuku's face was drained out of blood

"W-wait [y/n], what's happening, why are you here-" before he can aske anymore question he disappears

"Hey I was gonna tell him that I wasn't actually dead"

"Well sorry but he was about to die if he stayed here any longer, also there someone who wants to meet you" I looked at him confused, then walk towards him

~~~~Izuku's POV~~~~

I gasped and shot up, I was sweaty and my heart was pumping fast, it feels like I ran a marathon "[y/n] sh-she's in purgatory, so she's really gone" I can feel tears welling up in my eyes "w-wait if I somehow met [y/n], then can I meet her again" I laid back down, but I couldn't fall asleep, I need to talk to someone about this, it felt so real, I walk to Shoto's dorm and knocked on it

"Midoriya what are doing, it's 4:35 am"

"I had a dream seeing [y/n] sh-she's in purgatory I think it was real, a person with a black cloak made a pathway, and somehow I ended up there" he grabbed my hand and brought me in his room

"Drink this, I think your delusional, you need some rest Midoriya, this is getting out of hand" he gave me tea but I put it down

"No Shoto it felt real, if you saw it with your own eyes you'll think so too" he sighed out

"Midoriya I think it's time for you to rest, drink the tea it'll help you sleep better" I gave up and drank it 'was it really just a dream'

~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

"Hey mister how did you make a pathway to the living?"

"It's a perk of being death, I can make pathways to hell, heaven, and earth, and since you have to wait I might as well let people met you" I look over him to see a women with black hair, and black eyes, she was wearing a black body suit with a white cape, white boots, and a red cape around her waist, she looks super nice and friendly

"Hi, who are you" I asked walking up to her

"Hi little lady, my name is Nana Shimura, I came to meet you because I wanted to tell you something, you know All Might" my eyes widen

"Yeah, I heard about you before, your the one who gave All Might his quirk, I overheard him talking about it to Izuku, you are so brave to give your life up to save people!" she chuckles

"Mhmm that's me, I wanted to tell you something, once you go back home, please tell All Might that I'm watching him, and he's doing a great job training his successor, I want him to know that I'm very proud of him, and that I miss him dearly and tell him that he shouldn't be afraid of what people think of his body, he worked so hard for people to keep them safe, so people wouldn't think of him as weak, tell him that I love him and I hope to see him, one day" I nodded my head

"Hey Nana, do you have family as well, or is All Might your only family"

"No I do, but you won't like him" I frown

"How come, I thought that all people love there family" I said

"Not in this case, the blue haired male, the one that tried to kidnap you  is my grandchild, I had wished that he had took another path, but he chose to be a villain" I didn't know what to think, but an idea popped in my head

"Maybe we can make him good again" I suggested

"And how will we do that, I can't do anything because I'm dead"

"But I'm not, maybe I can do something to change his mind, he thinks hero's are just bad people but not all of them, maybe if I talk about you and how you risked your life to saved people, maybe just maybe he might have a different perspective about hero's" she sighed out

"I don't know, we can try I guess, I don't want my grandson to keep living like this, so let's give it a shot" I jumped up excited

"Don't worry Nana I got this, now let's plan this out"

~~~~Shinsou's POV~~~~

Ever since I heard the news of [y/n] death, I've been more distant to people, I can't help but just ignore them, I'm afraid that they'll leave me like [y/n] did, she really let me open up to my quirk even though she's a five year old, she understands me better than other people have, I still can't except the fact that she's gone, how can a villain do that, she was only five, they had nothing against her, so why do that, I'll never know

School has been silent more after the incident, especially for class 1A, they hardly talk to one another from what I saw, they look distress and just flat out depressing, some had eye bags and look to be out of it, and for Aizawa, he hadn't came to school for over a month from what I heard, but once he did, he looked like he was about to cry any minute, I can see that he's trying to hold it together as we both walk through the same hallway, it must be hard for him considering that she was technically his daughter, having to lose someone that close to him must've brought him down like an anchor, he couldn't do things properly, and he looked distracted 24/7

But after a few months in school he seems to function properly now, and he took in another kid, I was kinda pissed about it but maybe she needed help and Aizawa was there, so I can't get mad at that, but now things have gotten better after awhile, they look to be doing better now, but I know there not okay, because I've heard there conversations outside the school, and I've grown concerned for them

I just wish that [y/n] can come back and make things right again

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