Chapter 46

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

"Shit" I just stared at him not knowing what to do or say

"I-if you don't mind me asking, who are you" my mind went blank, and I just stared into space 'What do I say!! I can't just tell him 'oh hey Izuku it's me [y/n] from the future, just came to tell you I died twice and you guys where fighting All for One, I was also taken away from the government' he's either gonna freak out or probably not gonna believe me, and then tell security so I can get my ass whooped, I'm probably thinking too much because he's looking concerned'

"O-oh.. um, I'm.... I-I'm new???" 'That sounded more like a question!!"

"Oh really, how come you don't have a uniform?"

"Oh that's because-"

"Hey Izu-kun! I wanna show- who is she" I slowly face my mini self 'Jesus you can take me now, might as well since I'm ruining my future just by existing!!'

"Oh wow you look exactly like [y/n]" Izuku said while looking at me and.... me

"You do! That's so cool, you look like a older me, hey dad look, she looks like me!" 'STOOP!! Please, kill me now!!'

"What is it honey"

"Look she looks like me daddy!" I look to see my dad, now that I think about it my dad hasn't aged when I got back from America, but right now is not the time to think about that, right is the time to think of how I'm gonna get out of the situation

"[Y/N]!!" I stop my ranting in my head to look at a disguised Izuku, well more like a hoodie with a scarf, the older Izuku, not the teenage one, the No. 1 hero one "I'm so sorry, my daughter wondered here" 'oohhh I see, he's acting like I'm his daughter, quick thinking'

"She even has the same name as me daddy!!"

"I know honey, but if I may ask who are you" my dad said

"I-I'm... uh.. I'm I... RUN!!" he grabbed the collar of my shirt and he ran


"I JUST GOT HERE!" I look to see my dad chasing us, his scarf wrapped around my leg and started to yank me back towards him

"Izuku make sure [y/n] is in the classroom, call the security, and tell them to go on lockdown"

"[y/n] use your quirk so we can get out of here!"

"It'll give everything away!"

"Where already to deep! Just do it!"

"Well then might as well take off your hoodie then!"

"What no!" I can see myself get closer to my dad

"Fine I'll use my quirk" I started to disintegrate the scarf and I was free "let's go!" we ran out the building only to be greeted by security "oh Jesus, wh-what do we do" Izuku lifted me bridal style and jumped

"Someone catch them!" I look down to see All Might coming at us

"Izuku we have a problem!" he sees All Might

"Detroit SMASH!!" a gust of wind blew at us and we flew into the air then slammed into the ground, the wind blew Izuku's hoodie and revealing it was him "Midoriya?"

"Oh great! Now he knows we came from the future, our lives are ruined!!" I yelled while slamming my face int the ground

"Future?? Midoriya mind telling me- why do you look older" once he stood up he realized that he was taller and bulkier

"I-um, so wh-what happen is-"

"Where from the future!!" I yelled out, I can't take this anymore "That's Izuku Midoriya he's the number one hero now, I'm [y/n] and I died a few times but that's not important, what's important is that you don't speak a word of this"


"All Might you don't need to be in your hero form, just be in your normal form, also we know about Nana" he stood there baffled

"How do you know"

"Like I said where from the future"

"Yeah, I'm the number one hero now, everyone graduated and became pro heroes, I came back because of [y/n]"

"Well how come your here then" All Might asked me

"I came here so I can.... change a few things"

"Well how come, I thought your happy now" Izuku looked at me with a soft/worried expression

"It's just I lost so much time with you guys, I wanted to be with you and grow up with you guys, I... I wanted to see you graduate and become heroes.. but..." he hugged me while I cried

"It's okay" he rubbed my back

"What happened in the future" All Might worriedly asked

"A lot of bad things happened, but we'll help change the future, and we'll make sure you don't get taken away"

"But what about the kids in the facility"

"I have something in planned out for that"

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