Chapter 84

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

I spent the whole day with the league of villains, and still can't see a thing, it's gotten worse, I literally cannot see anything, I think I'm blind, I'm as blind as a bat, but I guess that's what it is "Dabi, can I go back to the class, I-I miss them" I didn't hear anything for minute

"Hold on, I'm gonna check out what's going on"

"Alright" I sat there for a minute, and started coughing, didn't think much of it

Then it got from 'eh' to uncontrollably coughing, it started to hurt, and it hurts every time I let a cough escape, I felt a liquid come out of my mouth, I can't see what it is so I called someone "Twice? Toga? Shigaraki? Anyone!?" I hear footsteps coming my way

"Woah! What happened to you [y/n]?"

"Toga? I-I don't know, but it hurts" more coughing erupted "wh-whats happening"

"Your coughing blood, that doesn't look good, are you dying?"

"I-I don't know, I want to go home" I was rolling around clutching my stomach "I-I want my dad"

"U-Um alright, stay here [y/n], I-I'll figure something out" I hear her footsteps fade away and then more footsteps come closer "it's about time you got here Dabi, well? Is it over?"

"Yeah, the kids defeated him, and I'm glad we actually lost this one, how she doing"

"Not so good, she needs to go to the hospital, and now"

"Oh shit" I felt him pick me up "hey kiddo, hang on, we'll get you home" he began to run with me in his arms

I don't know what's happening, but after a few minutes he stops "um... shit, you can't walk, can you?"

"Well she's blind dumb ass!" Toga yelled

"I know that's smart ass! But how is she gonna go to them if she can't see!"

"We'll just have to hand her to them"

"That's like handing ourselves to the police.... oh look the police are here"

"I... I want my daddy" I started crying from the pain

"Fuck it" he started walking, I don't know what's happening but I heard screaming

"He has a child!!"

"Sir! Don't do anything rational, just give us the kid and nothing will happen"

"Someone grab the kid from him" I was ripped off from his arms

"Wh-what's going on... Dabi? Dabi what's happening" I heard no response, the person who was now carrying me set me down somewhere

I was confused and scared, my lungs where burning and my stomach was twisted, I began to cough up more blood, I began to cry


"H-huh? I-Izuku?" I felt someone hug me

"Y-your okay! What happened, where did you go!?"

"I-I don't know anymore! I can't see anything and my body hurts!" he gave me hug and I cried into his chest

"[y/n]!!" I hear more people come towards me

"I-Izuku, I can't s-see anything, it's all b-black"

"What?" he opened my eyes "y-your eyes are pale"

"I-I want my dad, where is h-he"

"He'll be here soon, d-don't worry it's okay" he rocked me back and forth as I tried to steady my breathing

~~~~Time Skip Izuku's POV~~~~

"It's not working" I hear Katsuma

"B-but how isn't it not working!?"

"I-I don't know!? It should be healing her but it's not" panic was rising, the doctors put [y/n] to sleep since the pain was unbearable to her

We told Katsuma to use his quirk on her but apparently it's not working, sensei Aizawa was just sitting there, he ran his hand through his hair, we where all worried about her

She's been through so much, and now she's dealing with this again

We where all told to get out of the room so they can run test on her, as we did I took a glance at sensei Aizawa, tears where pouring down his face and I clutched into my shirt looking down

'Why does this happen to her'


A/N: For real, I'm ending this book pretty soon, only like a couple chapters left before I'm done, hope you guys are enjoying it, and thanks for the support!!

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