Chapter 61

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

"My.... my real dad?...... no..... no your not! Y-your lying! I'm no daughter of a villain!" he tries to get close to me but I just scrambled away

"I didn't want us to meet like this, can you please just be reasonable with me and talk" I sit in the back corner with my head tucked between my legs "can we just.... talk.... please" he squats down in front of me, looking at me

"What is there to talk about, you left me with them, they drugged me, injected quirks into me, without me knowing, and the worst part is your a villain as well! How can my life get shittier than this!" I had hot tears pouring down

"Let me explain"

"... fine"

"When your mom gave birth to you, she... she wanted you to be powerful, I on the other hand, had no bad intention to give to you, me and your mom argued ever since we had you, she wanted to inject you with quirks but I didn't, I wanted to keep you safe-"

"So why did you leave me"

"I'm getting to that, when you turned four, she cheated on me, I was filled with rage and emotions that I packed my stuff, I tried to get custody but your mom lied to the judge saying I 'abused you', when in reality she was the one abusing you, she ended getting full custody and I left to Japan, hoping someway I can stop her from what she's about to do, that's why I have Eri..."

"Why did you do such bad things to her" he looked guilty and hurt

"The reason why I have her is because I hoped that she can rewind everything your mom did to you, but I guess she got a hold of this weird liquid where some medicine and quirks won't effect you, so that means I'm to late, now you have to deal with all these weird quirks and health defects"

"Health defects?"

"You won't have them now, but they will soon come"

"H-how do you know"

"When I went to check your blood sample something was definitely off about it, the liquid she injected is slowly killing you, the only thing keeping you alive is your angel touch quirk, it's fighting it off but it's slowly decaying because of your disintegration"

"That's what death meant saying it's deteriorating"


"I've died a couple of times, and every time I did, I was met with Death, we talked and stuff, and I died again for only a few minutes, he told me it's my last time I can come back to life, if I die again... it'll be permanent, and I'll have to say goodbye to the ones I love... forever"

"I wonder..."

"Wonder what?" I asked

"If you have my quirk, your five so more quirks are bound to pop up, if you do I'm hoping you will join me" I look at him as if he was crazy

"What!? No way I'm gonna join you, I thought we just had a moment, now your gonna ruin it!?"

"Oh please you have no idea what I've been doing, and plus there's no going back to what I did, I'm a villain now and there's nothing you can do to change it, and now that I know I can't help heal you, might as well make the most of it by joining me, daughter"

"Oh you got to be kidding me, no way in hell I'm gonna be a villain with you" he leaves and brings some weird liquid thing in a tube, and without warning he shoves it down my throat, I started to cough some of it out "wh-what was that"

"To delay one of your quirks, I'm hoping this liquid will get rid of that glare of yours"

"How did you know about my death glare!"

"Heard you and Eri talking, I put two and two together and I think that your death glare is the deadliest" 'fuuuuuck! He's right!! I'm screwed' my mind was running wild "but don't worry, it will only take it away for a whole week, and since your my daughter, and we share the same blood I wonder if this would work on you, just like it worked on me" he gets closer and I back up, but the wall behind me prevented me from going any further

"Wh-what do you mean" he grabbed my cheeks forced my mouth open and shoved another liquid down my throat, I continued to cough some of it up

"Now we wait" I sit there for a second, nothing happening but all of a sudden I felt this sharp immense amount of pain on my back, it felt as though something is ripping from my back

"Wh-whats ha-happening" tears fell

"It's working!" all of a sudden a weird looking (f/c) creature just burst out of my back and legs, my eyes widen in shock, it was so big that when it stood up it couldn't fully stand up without hitting the ceiling, I was hanging my legs where gone because it's connected with this thing

"What's happening!?!" I tried to get it back in somehow, but it's stubborn as hell, this shit don't wanna go back inside


" My she's a beauty, almost as big as mine" 'Maybe I can use this to my advantage' but one teensy itty bitty small micro problem


'Okay, let just try, maybe I can control it' I somehow made it walk forward but then collapsed to the floor making a rumble, we got up and I probably look like a fawn trying to walk for the first time

~~~~Eri's POV~~~~

Everything was rumbling, like an earthquake just hit, but it was different, is [y/n] okay, what's happening, I need to know, she's the only friend I have the closest thing to family, and losing her... I can't

"Come on Eri, she needs help" I stand back to the door, looking at it, my horn started to glow and I used my quirk to get rid of it, it hurt but she needs my help, I started running following the noise and screams "oh no"

~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

I busted the ceiling open and for the first time in four months I see the light above

"Shit, she's gonna get away" I see him drink the same liquid he gave me, he started to transform into the same thing, but his is red, he started to attack me but I fought then I remember something


Before I can do anything I started to break walls down trying to look for her before anything serious happens, I found her and she froze

"AHHHH!!" she started to run away but I grabbed her "LET ME GO!!! Please I didn't do anything wrong!"

"Eri it's me! Look" she squints and looked relief when she saw me "I'm getting us out-" I was slammed to the ground, I cupped Eri into a ball making sure she doesn't get hurt, with my other many hands I fought back, scrambling to get up, I broke the ceiling above us and crawled out

"Shit!" people around me started to scream in fear, I felt something grab the back leg of the creature and drag me down, I quickly placed Eri down on the floor

"Eri! Take this, whatever you do don't show this to no one, and run away, before anything bad happens, go to the building that's the shape of an 'H' that's where you'll find the heroes, now leave!" she took the USB drive and ran away as I was dragged back down

"Let's finish this [y/n]! Come on! Show your father what you got!! Or are you gonna die without any dignity!!!"

"I'll fight with all I got!! And if I die! I know I died protecting the ones I love!"

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