Chapter 26

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~~~~Aizawa's POV~~~~

I dropped my things and ran outside the gate, Hizashi and Nezu followed right behind me, I didn't worry about the kids since All Might was there with them, but when I turned around they where right behind me as well, Eri was in Uraraka's arm"Kids go back to class"

"Tsk! Like hell, I wanna see if this is true!" I sighed out, I know they won't listen to me

"Fine get in the bus, where going to the hospital" we all got in the bus and I got behind the wheel "Hizashi which hospital is it"

"It's actually the one near here, right next to the grocery store" I drove off pretty fast, passing cars and almost ran a red light

"Sensei I think you should slow down" I heard Kirishima said

"I know sorry, it's just... how is it possible, what if it's not her" I said

"I don't know, when I answered the phone they said that [y/n] was at the hospital and they where looking for you, let's just hope it's her" Nezu said while looking at some paper, we got to the hospital in like twelve minutes, and we all ran to the receptionist

"Hello miss, I'm Shota Aizawa, where looking for a little girl, her name is [y/n] [l/n], my friend got a call that she's here" she types into her computer and looked back up

"Oh yes, you must be her father, she's on the third floor, room C12, just turn to the right" we all ran towards the elevator but it was broken so we took the stairs, once we got to the top we all ran towards her room

"C9... C10... C11...C12!" I look at door in front of me, my heart beating out of my chest 'How long has it been, over ten almost eleven months' I can feel my hands shake as I reach for the door knob, but eventually opened it, and once I did........

...I saw her...

She was asleep with wires all over her body, she looked peaceful, I walk up next to her bed and the students came in, they where quiet and made sure not to wake her up, they where just looking at her in disbelief, some wiped tears away, and some choked out a little but held it together, I saw her eyes open and she looked at me, I grabbed her hand and she gave it a little squeeze, I can feel tears slip out but I quickly wiped them away, I then see a paper float across from me and a pencil, she wrote something down and she gave it too me

"I'm sorry" I looked at her confused

"[y/n] don't be sorry, it's my fault I should've protected you, I'm the one to be blamed for" she nodded her head 'no' and I hear a faint knock

"Hello are you [l/n] father"

"Yes, is there something you need"

"I'm [y/n] doctor call me Dr. Yuki, we have a lot to discuss about, I'm afraid that [y/n] is paralyzed throughout her whole body, but we can change that over time, she also seems to be having trouble talking, and from the looks of it she told me that she originally had three quirks but now has a fourth one, so we need to run some test on her, and there is something very serious to discuss about, but I'll tell you later in private" I nodded my head, and ran my hand through my hair

"Will [y/n] get any physical therapy for her paralyzes"

"Oh yes! She will, every three to four weeks, water therapy and the doctors will help her on her movements, she will also have speech therapy as well, but for now where running test on her, is it true that she only had three quirks"

"Well there was this one incident where she had some sort of vision, but it was a one time thing, but as far as that she did only have three quirks" she wrote down some things

"Okay, well there can be four visitors at a time, I'll mention the serious problems later when the visiting hours are done"

"Thank you"

"Your welcome, you really have a little miracle" then she walked away

"Okay guys, I need all of you to leave and four at a time, remember" everyone got a chance to talk to her

~~~~Katsuki's POV~~~~

"Hey [y/n], how've you been" the pencil levitated and she wrote down something

"I've been better, didn't have to see your face for over ten months" I let out snickered, then grabbed her hand

"Your still a little shit even after all this" she gave my hand a little squeeze and I can see tears come out of her eyes "hey what's wrong?" I wiped them away and see her writing something else

"I'm sorry that I broke your promise" I was confused and she wrote some more "I promised you to not close my eyes, but I was so tired and cold" I held back some angry tears when the memories flashed

"I-it's not your fault" I wiped my tears away before they came out "it's mine, I wasn't strong enough for you, I tried but they all held me down.... I'm sorry" I can see a faint  smile on her face and she wrote some things down

"Stop crying your ugly when you cry" I blasted the paper

"I don't ugly cry, I have a sexy face" she laughed a little "you have no idea how much we missed you, and imma admit it, I felt lonely" she gave my hand a squeeze, and smiled

~~~~Izuku's POV~~~~

"[Y/N]!!" I was bawling on her bed, tears coming down like Niagara Falls "I-I missed you!" I felt something smack my head and realized that she hit me with a pencil and wrote something down

"Stop crying Izuku"

"B-but it's hard" I cried out, she wrote more things down

"I saw you"

"Saw me where [y/n]"

"At purgatory" my blood drained and I jumped up and ran out the door to Shoto

"I was right!!! I was right!!" I said while shaking him violently

"About what" he asked

"I wasn't crazy, she said she saw me at purgatory as well!! So I'm not delusional!"

"How's that possible"

"I don't know, but maybe she does!" I ran back inside and see her writing things down, she gave it to me and I started to read it

"The person in the black cloak was death, he made a pathway towards the living by accident, so that's how you met me in purgatory" it all made sense

"See I told you Shoto! I was not going crazy that night"

"Okay, okay, your not crazy but calm down" I breathed in and settled down on the chair

"I'm just glad I wasn't going insane" I see All Might wall in the room, and when he saw [y/n] he had the biggest smile he's ever gave

"Hey [y/n]" he said, she smiled and did her best to give a little wave

"Oh All Might it's best to mention she can't talk" I said

"Oh, that's fine I just wanted to see how she's doing" she gave me a paper and I froze for a moment, reading what she wrote to me

"Nana says she loves you"

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