Chapter 80

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

"[Y/N]!! It's time to leave, let's get going"

"Oh... well I gotta get going, it was nice playing with you guys, I'll see you later I guess"

"W-wait" I turn around and Katsuma has a light red face and was fiddling with his finger "c-can we um... can w-we meet here a-again tomorrow, I-if you aren't b-busy"

"Oh sure, what time"

"A-around two o'clock"

"Yeah that sounds good, I'll meet tomorrow, bye" I grab Katsuki's hands and we left

~~~~Katsuma's POV~~~~

"Someone has a crush~"

"Sh-shut up Mahoro!"

"Look your blushing!"

"S-stop it!" I hid my face with my hat, and started walking away

"Your going the wrong way! Home is this way" she started to walk away and I quickly follow behind her '[y/n] is pretty cute'

~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

"Where back!" I yelled as I jumped into Izuku's arms

"Where did you guys go"

"Well since I'm always stuck in this place and Katsuki is a lazy butt, he took me to get ice cream and we went to the park"

"Well that's good"

"Wait what did she call me" Katsuki said sticking his head out from the fridge

"Nothing I called you bootyful" I butted in, I snickered and looked away from him "promise you won't tell him" I whispered to Izuku

"I promise" he whispered back as we locked pinkies, he puts me down

"Oh and I made new friends" I said

"Oh really, who"

"There names are Kutsuma and Mahoro, though Mahoro is pretty mean, but Katsuma is very nice"

"Well I'm glad you made some friends"

"Yeah, I just think Mahoro is a bit over protective of her brother, but I can understand, Eri is the same way with me"

"Yeah I feel the same way, though it's my mom, anyways let's eat then we'll go to bed, alright" I nodded my head and and went to the kitchen, it was repaired and it looked like there was never a scratch on it

"Wow, it's all fixed"

"Yup, now all we have to do is keep you away from it" Denki said

"Haha, that's funny" I said as I walk in, only to be pulled back from Tokoyami's shadow "oh come on, it was an accident, I didn't mean to"

"Still, we can't afford you doing it again, here you go" I grabbed my plate from Sero and sat in the living room watching 'Friends'

"You don't think I will catch the kitchen on-"

"Yes, yes I do think you will do it again" Momo said

"Okay never mind then" I said while facing the tv again, I sighed out laying my chin on the coffee table while eating my food, today was actually fun, I'm excited to see Katsuma again, he is a really nice kid, like a mini version of Izuku

I started to drift asleep and was picked up by Shoto, I clutched onto his warm side wanting to stay like this, but when I slightly open my eyes I see that he was gonna take me to the girls room "can I sleep with you tonight, your warm like a teddy bear" he was taken back for a moment

"Oh, sure" not long after I passed out, it's been a long day and I need my sleep

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

I woke up with a horrible feeling in my stomach, like something bad is gonna happen, I got out of Shoto's grip and made my way towards the kitchen getting a glass of water, it was two o'clock in the morning and this feeling was getting worse, I had a slight headache as I made my way back to the boys room, I was about to open the door when this urge to leave washed over me

It's like something or someone was coming, but I didn't know who, I walked away and went to the front door, I new they have security in here so I disintegrated the window and jumped down

'[y/n] don't do anything stupid'

My dads voice rang in my head, I leaned against the wall and let out a sigh, I took the picture out and my eyes widen with fear

Izuku wasn't in the picture anymore

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