Chapter 25

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~~~~Time Skip 6 month [y/n] POV~~~~

It's been over ten months since the incident, and I'm starting to lose hope, what if I never go back home with dad and the whole class, I still want to let Tamaki open up, I'm a master at that, but I might not even go back home, all of a sudden I felt it, an icy coldness took over "I-I feel cold" I rubbed my arms to keep myself warm "w-what's happening" I can see my hand fade away

"Your leaving, it's time for you to go" I felt happy but worried what the others might think, I let them down, I let Katsuki down "[y/n] I have to warn you" I look at him with a confused and worried expression "You'll never be the same"

"Wh-what do you mean" now I'm more worried

"Your body will forever hold scars and won't function like before, it will be difficult for you to communicate, because you will be practically numb from head to toe" I started crying 'why is he telling me this now' Nana hugged me comfortingly

"Wh-why!?! How come I can't, what will I do!?"

"Hey, hey it's okay don't worry" Nana said

"However" we look at him once again "you can overcome this emptiness over time, though this will take awhile" I had a glimpse of hope, maybe I can shorten the time it takes, I will do my best

"I'll overcome it, and I'll be hero! Because I've got what it takes, and I've learned from great people, what they've overcome to save people, I know I will struggle, but I will show people the light, because I'm unbreakable!!"

"I know you will, show people who you really are and what it take to be a hero [y/n], well meet again, but it will be awhile" Nana nodded agreeing

"We'll miss you [y/n], and don't forget to tell All Might that I love him, also don't forget our plan" I nodded wiping my tears

"I guess this is a goodbye"

"No, this is more like a see you later" I giggled a little and I swear I saw a faint smile from him, but it must be my imagination and in a instant everything went dark

I opened my eyes, I couldn't feel anything, everything was numb, just like he said 'how will I get out' I started to hyperventilate and I felt as thought I was being caved in, I feel my eyes burn and all of a sudden the coffin started to shake uncontrollably, it started to crack and eventually break, the dirt above me shot up, and I saw light, I couldn't get my self to climb out, and after thirty minutes of struggling I was able to get myself above ground, from making my self levitate??? 'Another quirk?' It hurt kinda, but it was the only way to get out, my body was practically a rag doll, but I'm able to still have thoughts in my head, but couldn't speak at all, it's like I'm trapped in my own body, I then see a man and a women appear above me looking worried

"L-little girl are you okay" the women said 'how am I supposed to respond to that, I can't say anything, maybe if I focus on one part of it body, I can maybe move it' I was able to move my finger ever so slightly

"Honey look, her finger is moving, she has so many scars all over her arms" he points towards it, I hadn't even noticed the scars yet, and I noticed that my arm was back, but it was a lighter shade of color, more paler than the other arm, also my hair grew back, but it was a little uneven

"I-I think we should send her to a hospital" the women responded worriedly, the man got on the phone and quickly explained the situation, the women knelt down next to me and placed my head on her lap "honey if you can hear or understand me try to squeeze my hand" I focused my energy on my hand, and let me tell you, that was hard, but I was able to, she gave me a gentle smile "good job, hang on for little bit, the ambulance should be coming any time soon" I soon heard sirens and see lights flashing, I was put on a stretcher and carried off, they put all sort of wires on my body

"Little girl what happened, can you talk?" I moved my head 'no' and she wrote down some things on the paper "do you have any family" I nodded my head, I was soon put in a room, and they asked me questions but I can hardly answer any 'If I was able to lift myself up, maybe I can lift a pencil and write things' I looked around and see a man with a pen, I focused towards it, and I was able to lift it out of his clipboard and grab a paper

"Oh smart, can you tell me who are your parents or guardians" I wrote down 'Shota Aizawa' "Do you know where he works?" 'U.A high' "do you know who did this to you" 'All for One' it seemed to click to him as to who I am "you must be the girl who was murdered by the league of villains" I nodded my head slightly "h-how did you come back alive" I wrote down 'hard to explain' "okay we'll contact Aizawa as soon as possible, for now lay down and rest" I looked around for bit before closing my eyes and falling asleep

~~~~Aizawa's POV~~~~

I was working on papers while the kids are training, All Might stayed in my class to teach Midoriya some tricks while the rest where in pairs, Eri was beside me watching them and drawing, that's when Hizashi came running in with Nezu beside him "Shota! SHOTA!!!" I turn around with an annoyed expression

"What, I'm busy"

"It's [y/n]" I was confused and worried 'D-did someone go to her grave and take her, was there an incident at her grave, is she missing?!' all these thoughts flew in my head

"Wh-what happened" I can see them smile and Hizashi was crying

"She's alive"

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