Chapter 65

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

I couldn't help but collapse onto the floor, crying, Uncle Might picked me up, I kept crying and crying, my dad rushed in with a worried expression "[y-y/n]! What happened" he grabbed me out of Uncle Might's hand and cradled me, he looked ahead and realized why I was crying "oh no" my cries got louder

"I-it's my fault!!"

"Shhh, it's not your fault, it's Overhauls, everything will be okay" he gave me kiss on the forehead and rocked me back and forth, I kept crying until I fell asleep

I woke up to hearing beeping sounds and white walls, and a breathing mask, I was back in my hospital bedroom, I sit up rubbing my eyes, they were dry from all the crying, I don't think I even have anymore tears to cry, my eyes where baggy and dull, I felt so weak and stupid, I should've just stayed and fought, it should've been me

"[y/n]!" I look up to see the class, they all look so happy and relieved to see me, but I didn't show any sign of happiness, my face was just blank, I look down and see my skin turned pale, I kinda look like a ghost, but it was from all the blood I lost, I went under the blanket and curled into a ball

"I don't wanna see anyone" I said with a raspy voice, the doctors came in

"I'm sorry but no visitors unless it's family" they took them out of the room while I stayed in a ball

"[y/n] I have your food" I look over the blanket and shook my head

"I-I'm not hungry"

"You need to eat, your blood sugar is dangerously low, if you don't eat you'll be even sicker, come on just a little bit" I took off the mask and grabbed and ate a bit of soup, I only ate half of it, and I felt to full to eat the rest

"I-I'm done"

"Good job" she left and I was alone again, I laid back down before sighing

"What's happened to me" I looked at my hands, I got out of the bed took the wires and mask out, then limped away from my room, I knew that Eri was here since I hear the doctors talking about her so I made my way util I found her room "hi Eri" she looked at me with wide eyed

"[y/n]!!" she jumped out of her bed and ran to hug me "your okay! But... you don't look so well, why are you so cold"

"I lost a lot of blood, that's why I'm so pale"

"Why are you out of your room, come on you need to lay down" she grabbed my hand and led me to my room

"Hey you know where the class is"

"I think there in the waiting room, everyone is there, I saw them, they've been waiting there for the whole day" I checked the clock in the wall, I fell asleep at 7pm and it's 3pm, so I slept for a long time, she put me back in bed "hey [y/n], why do you look so sad, you used to smile a lot"

"Because... I failed to protect someone" I can feel tears pricking my eyes from Nighteye's last words

"No! Your wrong! Terribly wrong, your saved me, you protected people from Overhaul, you risked your life to save everyone, so don't say your failed to protect someone, because you did your best to save everyone"

"Th-thank you" I jumped into her arms and cried, she took a minute to hug me back

"You should be proud, everyone is calling you a hero!" I look at her confused

"A-a hero?"

"Yeah! Look on the news!!" she turned the tv on and I looked to see people complimenting me

"Today we are speaking of a girl named [y/n] [l/n], she had saved over hundreds of citizens from a new founded villain named Overhaul, and we are speaking to a few people who she had saved"

"She such a young girl but so powerful, if it weren't for her my whole family would've died"

"My grandmother was in the middle of the incident, she saved her and I'm so grateful she did, she's the only family I have left"

"I remember being so scared! But when she smiled at me I felt safer! I want to be just like her!"

I smiled at the little boy on the tv, he was probably two years old

"Me and my son where separated, he was gone for almost two hours before I saw her come back with him in her arm, she looked so hurt and tired yet she went back saved the heroes, that no hero she's a guardian angel"

"People all over the world are talking about you! Don't you see your a hero! Come, look! The news reporters are here!" I look at the window and see news reporters and people outside the hospital, they where cheering and had flags with my name on it saying 'hero', I hear the door open and see my dad walk in

"[y/n] are you okay" he picked me up

"A little, I still don't feel so good, but I do feel a little happy" he hugged me tightly

"I-I'm so sorry" I remember what he's apologizing for

"I-it's okay, you where just angry, a-and I understand why"

"I wasn't just angry, I was worried sick for you, don't you ever do this again"

"I-I won't"

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