Chapter 14

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A/N: Hello I hope you guys are having a great Thanksgiving, mine is going good we didn't catch the ham on fire like last time, since today is a holiday I decided to post early, and no this isn't a Thanksgiving special, I'm sorry, but it is a step closer to me deciding if I should end the story, maybe not I might continue, but anyways I hope you like the story ٩( )و

Turns out everyone is going to the field trip, everyone is excited about it but they still have class so you have to sit through the lesson since Nezu cancelled your class because he needs to work on the Hero License Exams that's due when they come back, so it's a free day for you 'wonder how Dabi's doing' you thought "Hey dad can I go to Midnights class"

"Sure just don't get in trouble again" you nod your head and went straight towards the gate and outside of the school, you went to the ally way where you first met Dabi and looked around... nothing... you waited a bit to see if Dabi would come but he didn't, you where about to leave when something or someone grabbed your arm and yanked you back and covered your mouth, you thrashed around trying to get out if the grip buy to no avail

"Oh stop you'll never get out, here I'll just put you to sleep" his voice was a male for sure, and you didn't recognized it either, then a rag came over your mouth your vision started to fade and you where ready to just give up when blue flames came out of no where

"Let her go" 'Is that Dabi' you thought

"Oh shit! Okay here you can have her anyways!" he quickly put you down and ran away

"Hey are you okay?" It was Dabi, and he picked you up, he kinda shook you so you can wake up a little bit, but what caught him by surprise is you hugged him tightly

"Thank you" he froze for a moment before hugging you back

"N-no problem, just what where doing here alone?" he asked

"I-I was looking for you" he was taken back by your answer


"Because I wanted to see you, we didn't talk that much when we first met, so I wanted to get to know you more" if it weren't so dark you could probably see a faint blush across his cheeks

"Jesus Christ, that's sweet and all but it's dangerous, you can't just go in a ally way there can be villains"

"Oh...... sorry"

"It's okay, just don't go here again"

"Well where can I go to see you?" he thought for a moment

"You can meet me at that coffee shop across from here" he pointed and there was little coffee shop "Meet me here on Fridays at twelve if you can make it" you nod your head then you remembered something

"Hey how's Hope?"

"She's doing fine, though they had to take off her leg, but other than that she's dong well, she gained a little weight which is good"

"I'm glad, maybe Noodles and Leo can met her!"


"Hey I never really asked because I think it might be personal but why do you have purple skin?" you touched his purple skin on his arm, the texture is different from his normal

"Long story short my dad was never proud of me, he focused more on my little brother because he has both of the quirk he wanted, I tried to impress him with my quirk but I went over bored and now I'm left with burnt skin"

"Oh... if it makes you feel better I can heal your skin all the way" you suggested

"You can do that" he asked

"Mhmm my quirk Angel touch can heal any wound or bring people back to life, and since you told me about your scars I'll tell you about my scars, it's not physical but it did leave a painful mark on my life, I have two very deadly quirks, Disintegration and Death Glare, Disintegration is if I touch anything it turns into dust even people, and Death Glare is if I look a anyone or anything it will crumple and explode into tiny bits in a matter of milliseconds, I've used those two quirks but I'll never use them again not even if my life is in danger" his eyes where wide and in disbelief

~~~~Dabi's POV~~~~

'This is the girl they where talking about! Now I can see why they want her, her quirks are so rare, unique, and powerful....... but she... she..... what the hell! Why can't I just take her now and get the money, is it because she's nice I mean she really is, she cared to think of my feelings about my scars before she asked and she wasn't afraid of me when she first met me..... she reminds me of Shoto when he was little, he doesn't want to use his quirks because something tragic happened, it left a scar on him and she feels the same way, she has a scar but mentally..... shit I grew attached to her and it's only the second day we met' I put her down and knelt in front of her "Hey [y/n] I appreciate that you want to heal me..... but..."

"But what Dabi?"

"But I think it's best you leave me like this, it's apart of me now and I don't want to change it"

"Oh that's okay, I was just asking, your like Uncle Might! He doesn't want me to heal him all the way but just heal him to where he feels better"

"Uncle Might, who's that?" she went towards my ear to whisper something

"Between you and me, Uncle Might is All Might, he's my uncle but not through blood" I nod understanding

"Your secret is safe with me" we hear the bell ring and [y/n] eyes widen

"Oh no that's the lunch bell I have to go! Oh yeah Dabi I'm going to the Forest Training Camp with the class 1A so I won't be able to meet up with you for a couple of weeks"

"That's okay I'll be busy too, see you later"

"Bye!" she ran off back to the school and I went to the bar to met up with Shigaraki, once I got there they where talking about something

"Oh Dabi good your here just in time for the plan" Shigaraki said

"What is it I have better things to do"

"A little birdie told us that Class 1A and Class 1B are going to the Forest Training Camp, we are going to attack and get Katsuki Bakugou and [y/n] [l/n], if you can't get Bakugou that's fine but we need the girl no matter what"


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