Chapter 78

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

We ended up doing take outs, and I was never allowed in the kitchen again, but I'm fine with that I'm not allowed in the kitchen in my own house either because of the studio kitchen incident "[y/n] mind explaining how you caught the kitchen on fire" Tokoyami asked

"All I did was stand there"


"........ and turn the heat up, but it's not my fault" they just looked at you "okay it's partially my fault" still looking at me "okay it's entirely my fault"

"Now I believe you"

"How rude" I said while pouting "you guys only believe me when it's entirely my fault"

"Because it is" I scoffed and did a overly dramatic fall

"I'm hurt" after eating and talking and me on the floor acting like I've been stabbed in the heart we all went to bed, the girls and boys are separated so me and the girls did a little makeup and they talked about who knows what

Soon enough they all fell asleep, but I couldn't fall asleep, I mostly sneak into my dads bed and sleep with him but I don't want to bother them while there asleep so I stayed awake

It's probably one in the morning by now and I'm still awake, I'm honestly tired but every time I doze off I jolt awake, I sighed out and went to go get water, as I was drinking it Katsuki came in "aren't you banned from the kitchen"

"What am I gonna do, catch water on fire"

"Who knows, you'll probably do the undoable" I tried to argue but honestly I can probably catch water on fire if I tried "so what are you doing up so late, I know your tired, the bags under your eyes are giving it away"

"I-I can't sleep"

"How come"

"I u-usually sleep with my dad, but I didn't want to bother nobody so I stayed up" he then picked me up and walked into the boys room

"Katsuki what are doing"

"Well your dads not here, but I am, so sleep" he put the blanket over us and I just laid there

"Hey Katsuki, can I just tell you... you have pretty eyes" I started laughing quietly until he shoved a pillow in my face

"Shut up and go to sleep" I laughed again but calmed down, and in all honesty I was able to fall asleep, but when I woke up, I heard yelling

"Has anyone seen [y/n], we looked everywhere but we can't find her!!!" the door slammed open to reveal all the girls looking like they've been running a marathon

"I'm right here" I said groggily, I got out of the covers and moved Katsuki's arm "what's happening, you guys scream super loud" they just stood there mouth wide open, like they saw a million puppies in one place

"That so........ CUTE!!!" I 'sh' them because everyone is still asleep, "Bakugou really does have a soft spot"

"I know, never thought in a million years he would do something that cute!"

"Shoo! I'm trying to sleep" I said while pushing them out of the room then closing the door

"But we made waffles!" I then slam the door open

"Okay I'm awake" I ran into the kitchen which was being fixed at the moment "how'd you guys make waffles if the kitchen is being renovated"

"We hooked the waffle maker in the living room" I look in the living room to see a nice stack of waffles sitting there "wanna go wake up the boys" I nodded my head and I run back to the boys room and took a deep breath then I jumped right onto Katsuki's chest

"WAKE UP!!!"

"Shit!" I went to everyone nudging and pushing them out of bed

"Come on breakfast is ready!"

"Gimme like five minutes" Katsuki said while I pulled on his arm, I then pushed his back but he was to heavy so he collapsed right on top of me

"Hey! Get up, your suffocating me!"

"Nah, your pretty comfy" he said while squishing me more, I then levitated him

"You left me no choice Katsuki"

"What are you doing" I levitated water from the sink

"Giving you a nice morning shower" I splashed him with water, getting him all soak and wet

"AGH!! What the fuck!" he tried to get down but I levitated him higher "put me down!"

"Nah, I don't feel like it, we'll have fun up there" as I walk out the door I hear explosions in the background

"What's happening" Izuku said while waking up to me

"Oh nothing to worry about-"

"PUT ME DOWN DAMMIT!!!" Izuku and me had a sweat drop

"See, there's nothing" I said while walking away

~~~~Izuku's POV~~~~

'It's gonna be a long day'

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