Chapter 12

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"YOU GUYS ARE BAAAAACK!!!" You ran up to the class and gave them each a hug even Mineta

"Looks like you missed us" Tsu said

"Of course I did, I was bored without you guys" 'awwww' was heard throughout the class

"What did you when we where gone" Kiri said

"You don't wanna know" they gave you a curious face

"Yeah we do, come on tell us" Sero said

"I-I accidentally set a kitchen studio on fire on the first day you guys left, I also made a guy and a girl divorce because I called the wife out on cheating" silence of process then burst of laughter came out of the class, your dad came in the class with the kitten in his hand aka Noodles

"Hey Sensei why do you have a kitten" Izuku asked

"Because [y/n] stole it from a cat cafe where she made two people get a divorce, and if we leave noodles alone in the house he would break things" the kitten pawed his face and he put it down on his desk, he meowed at Shota and wouldn't stop "Just try to ignore him, today we'll be doing a rescue training race so I hope your ready for it" chatter was among them "Oh and [y/n] you'll be with Midnight during the rescue training, take noodles with you"

"What why!?" He gave you a look saying 'you know exactly why' you grabbed Noodles and out the door you said "I REGRET NOTHING!!" then closed the door, you didn't go straight towards Midnights class, you went to the general studies class to see Shinsou so you can show your new cat that you stole, you knocked on the door to see the teacher open it

"Oh it's you" she didn't sound please that you where here "why do you have cat" she asked

"Cause why not" you didn't like the teacher here, she sounds like she wanted you gone

"Okay? Why are you here"

"To see Shinsou"

"And why do you need him right now, he's busy"

"Busy doing what, learning nothing from you"

"Now that's rude go back to your dad before I call security" her voice raised up

"Bring the security there not gonna do nothing!" the teacher went back to her class closing the door in your face "HEY IM STILL OUT HERE!!!" you waited for a while and went to leave, but not before disintegrating the door and running away to Midnights class

"Oh hey honey, I'm guessing your dad sent you here because of the rescue training, and I see you brought a little friend" you nod your head and went to her desk and sat down, not five minutes later security came and know on the door

"Oh what's the matter" Midnight said

"One of the teachers sent us here because of a little girl that disintegrated her door, is she here" you where hiding under the desk, not wanting to get in trouble



"Sorry but she isn't here, I think she left to go home with her caretaker" Midnight decided to save your life today and let out a breath of relief

"Oh sorry miss for disturbing your class, I'll get going" he waved goodbye and Midnights shut the door and looked at you with a not so amused face, but then turned to laughter

"You disintegrated Miss Kaito's door, oh my god I'm glad no one likes her anyway"

"She was mean, all I wanted was to see Shinsou but when she saw me at the door she was like 'oh it's you' with a mean bored voice"

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