Chapter 11

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Your nightmare was not a nightmare it was a real, on the news you see stain being carried off to the hospital and police following behind the ambulance "You see I told you, and Endeavor didn't fight Stain it was Izuku, Shoto, and Iida they deserve the credit!" you yelled, you where currently in the car and going towards where the incident happened

"I know I'm sorry but I thought it was a nightmare, how was I supposed to know it was real? The reason Endeavor took all the credit is because the public shouldn't know that U.A students where in a fight with a dangerous villain"
he explained


"It's hard to explain" you pouted and looked at the window 'How was I able to see the Hosu Incident' you thought

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

"Izuku, Shoto, Iida are you guys okay!?" You ran towards them

"Yeah where fine just a little sore that's all" Izuku said

"D-did you guys see me there" you asked

"No" Izuku said, they all had a confused face

"I guess it was just a vision" now they look more confused

"What do you mean vision" Shoto said

"A fourth quirk, can a person have a fourth quirk!?" Izuku said in shock

"Yeah I saw you guys fighting Stain, Iida was on the floor hurt so I healed him there was another person hurt, I'm guessing a Pro Hero, there was fire everywhere, then you guys continued to fight, after a while Stain threw a knife and it came towards me it hit my face and then Izuku told me to run that's when Stain threw a knife at my leg and he was running towards me and I woke up, but I guess it was just some sort of vision quirk but how can I get another quirk now if I already manifested" you said, they look shock that you knew what happen, you started to heal them, then Iida spoke up

"Quirks can come late, sometimes it can take years for people to manifest there quirk but it's most common to manifest if your the age between four and six, your just unique I don't think a person has ever had four separate quirks" Iida said, after a while of talking to them you went home and stayed with Uncle Might since your dad still doesn't trust Mic, and your dad had to deal with what happen and need his time to figure it out so now your relaxing with Uncle Might in his normal form doing nothing

"Hey Uncle Might what does it mean to have four quirks" he looked at you with a questionable expression

"Four I don't think a person has had four"

"Well I think I got another quirk but I don't know"

"Well how can you be so sure" you shrug your shoulders "well what was it" you explained to him what happen in your 'nightmare' and he listened closely "maybe it was just some sort of vision who knows it might be a one time thing"

"Maybe, can we go to a cat cafe" he thought about

"Sure it's been a while since I went to one" you guys put on your shoes and grabbed your coat since it was a little late and it was cold, and soon you guys left

You guys made it and you where just gushing over the cats "Look how cute you are, oh my god look at you and you and you, you guys are too cute!" All Might just laughed at your action with the cats, you sat down at a table and you got a [f/f] and [f/d] (favorite drink) and All Might got a plain black coffee with a muffin, you went to play with the cats and one caught your eye, it was a little kitten and it was a mix breed of a munchkin and a Scottish fold and it was just too cute for you too handle, you held that kitten and didn't let anyone try a take it even when another little girl wanted to hold it you refused to let it go and she ran towards her mom crying and the mother came back demanding for her daughter to let her hold it then the father came and now there was a big mess of All Might trying to calm everything down (let me remind that he is in his normal form so the parents didn't care, sorry I don't use his name I'm a little lazy) and you yelling at them and the staff came and also tried to calm the parents down

"Sir, ma'am please calm down there are other cats your daughter can hold" the staff said

"No! If my daughter wants that kitten I'll give her that kitten!!" The fathered yelled

"That girl doesn't even look like your daughter your wife is probably cheating on you!!" You yelled and everybody shut up, the women started to stutter saying that's a lie and she didn't sound convincing she then looked the other way and the guy looked at her and everyone knew that this was true when she walked off not saying a word after, they ended up leaving and All Mights draw dropped and you just froze there

"Well that escalated quickly" All Might said

"Honestly I thought he already knew, that girl looked nothing like him, hey are you gonna finish your muffin" you asked, he slid the plate towards you and you ate it while still holding the kitten "heh I always win" you said to yourself

"Why the hell do kids have to be too honest and straightforward" All Might said, you just shrugged your shoulders and continued to eat after a while it was time to leave and you sneakily put the kitten in your coat and you guys left, halfway home you can hear a faint 'mew'

"You didn't" All Might said

You pulled the kitten out of your coat "HA! Yes I did, he's mine and imma name him noodles" he just face palmed

"God I'm never babysitting you again"

"Yes you will you can't be mad at this face forever" you guys continued to walk and finally made it to his house a few minutes later your dad came to pick you up

"How was she" your dad asked, All Might just slowly looked at him

"Your kid just caused a divorce to a family"

"Oooohhhh you got to be kidding me you didn't, what did you do"

"It was there fault I wanted to keep this kitten then the little girl wanted him but I refused so she cried to her parents then they argued with us, the guy said if my daughter wants that kitten I'll give her that kitten, I said that girl doesn't even look like your daughter your wife probably cheating on you, she stuttered and walked off without saying anything and that's the end of it"

"She also stole the kitten"

"Oh yeah I also stole the kitten" you lifted the kitten up to show him, he gave a little 'mew'

"Jesus Christ" he rubbed his temple "what am I gonna do with you"

"I don't know, can we watch Kim Kardashian"

"No, I swear I feel like I'm in a realty tv show"

"Well what I'm going through it should"

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