Chapter 7

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I woke up with Leo by my side and the warm sun hitting my face it's was Shota's day off so you and him decided to make some plans but right now you where tired so you walked to his room with Leo following beside you, you opened the door and flopped on his chest and Leo laid on his face "Morning" he muffled through Leo's fur

"Morning" you sighed back, you the hear a "mew" which came from Leo "That's his way of saying 'feed me peasants'" you said looking up at your dad

"And thats our call of getting out of bed" he gets up and carries you to the bathroom and you brushed your teeth and hair

Shota made cat shaped pancakes and fed Leo and after you where done eating Shota had some news to tell you "[y/n] there something I want to tell you " you sat there a little nervous "Your going to school starting this Monday where meeting with the teachers today" you felt your soul leave your body

"But-but I don't wanna!"

"How come?"

"Because I'm scared"

"You don't have to I'll make sure nothing happens okay?" you look at him and held out a pinky

"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise"

"Okay I'll do it buuuut"

"But what"

"Can you bring all the pro heroes to drop me off at school" you gave him the biggest puppy eyes

"Okay fine"


~~~~Time skip ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄◇ ̄)┘~~~~

Shota had gotten ready he put his hair in a low ponytail and once you got to your new school you went into your classroom and looked around, you see the teacher at her desk she was a young women probably in her early 20s short curly blond hair and green eyes, once she saw Shota she had a faint blush across her face and you took notice of this let's just say you weren't having any of this, she introduces herself "H-hello I'm Ms.Kaneko a-and I'll be her new t-teacher" she stuttered and her blush increases

They had been talking about what will go on in class and what are my expectations in the classroom and throughout the whole conversation she was a stuttering, blushing mess and you didn't like it one bit, once you left you already knew that your gonna have problems with this teacher and you where prepared

Both of you had gotten home and Shota is the first to speak "I think your teacher is sick she looked like she has a fever" you deadpanned right then and there 'he is that thick in the brain' you thought

"Um no she likes you, as in has a crush on you" he looks at you not believing a word you said

"No I don't think so, come on let's watch a movie" you gave up, at least you don't have to worry about him bringing a rival, Leo is already enough of a rival in this house you don't need another one, but another cat doesn't sound that bad

~~~~Monday Morning~~~~

You put on your uniform and Shota did your hair you walk outside and all the pro heroes where there waiting for you "I'm ready let's do this!" we went in the car everybody brought there own car so no one is cramped, and drove off to your new school and you where sweating bullets

"You nervous"

"What no what makes you think that" you tried to sound cool but your voice cracked

"It's okay on my first day I was just like you"


"Yup" that made you feel slightly better

You arrived at your school and hopped out all the pro heroes where right behind you and cheered you on you had cool glasses on and did the peace sign and left into your new school like a boss

Once you made it to your new classroom the teacher introduced you to the students "Please welcome [y/n] [y/l] she will be joining our class from now on" you shyly waved at the class "Amaya, please raise your hand" you see a girl with a empty seat next to her "That's where you will be sitting" you nod your head and walk towards your new seat, you sit down and introduce yourself

"Hello I already know your name but what's your quirk?" she looked at you with a smug face

"My quirk is I can trap people in a bubble what's yours" she seemed disinterested when she said 'what's yours' but you ignored it, you didn't want to tell anybody about  your two deadly quirks so you just said

"Mine is Angel Touch I can revive or heal anybody"

"Oh cool, I guess" she said and looked away not caring what you have to say 'Rude' you thought

It's recess and a lot of kids ran up to you telling you how cool that the pro heroes dropped you off "oh u-uh thank you"

"Hey wanna play tag with us" one of the kids said

"Sure!" you guys had played tag for 15 minutes and you where 'it' you where chasing one of the kids before Amaya tripped you scraping your chin and knee, blood poured out and you where clutching onto your wounds

"Oh my hunny are you alright!?!" the teacher said as she picked you up and carried you to the nurses office, well lucky you the nurse called off sick today and you had to deal with a bandaid on your chin and knee which was no help (you can't heal yourself it only works on other people I'm not sure if I mentioned this but I'm to lazy to go back in my story) it also starting to hurt a lot

It was the end of class your eyes where puffy, cheeks where rosey from crying, you even have gum in your hair because Amaya thought it would be funny to stick gum in it, out of all places, and she only got a time out for 15 minutes, let's just say you looked like a mess " Oh sweetie it's okay let's get the gum out" the teacher grabbed your hand but then the bell rang signaling you that school was over, Ms.Kaneko looked like her blood got drained out of her body, looked like she was afraid about Shota being mad at her for not taking more responsibility for these kinds of actions, you had let go of her hand, grabbed your backpack and walked out, when you went outside you where met with all the pro heroes but there smile faded when they saw the condition you where in

"[Y/N] what happen!?" your dad said kneeling in front of you checking your cut on your chin and legs, he then looked at your hair "Who did this?" you pointed at the girl who was standing by the door next to your teacher and two other grown ups, probably her parents

He stood up with a pissed off expression and a few other pro heroes following behind "Why does my daughter have cuts, and gum on her hair?" he said with a calm voice but his face said other wise

"I'm so sorry for my daughter's action it surely won't happen again" the mother said

"I know it won't because she's not coming back" replied Shota he looked down at Amaya and kneeled down at her level "If you ever think bullying a kid will ever get you anywhere in life, it won't" and he walked off with you in his arms

You went to Recovery Girl so she can heal your scratches then went home and removed the gum from your hair, you where laying on Shota who was hugging you against his chest "I'm sorry" he mumbled "Your gonna be homeschooled from now on, I talked to Nezu he agreed to homeschool you so you will go to his office then when your done you can come to my classroom"

"Okay" you manage to say

"I love you remember that, I promise from now I'll protect you and this won't happen again"

"I love you too" you nuzzled your face against his chest, and fell asleep
"I'm sorry, I promised to protect you, I promised I won't let anything happen to you but I failed, now your gone"

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