Chapter 30

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~~~~Aizawa's POV~~~~

I stand here looking at the judge, he looks at the papers that me and the men handed out, deciding which living environment is more suitable for [y/n], I can feel my palms sweat and so many thought flash in my head "Mr. Aizawa" I jolt and look at the judge

"Yes sir?"

"Is it true that when [y/n] was in your care, she was kidnapped and killed, how do you expect me to give her back to you"

"Sir I knew you would bring that up, but she was in great care, believe me I tried my best to get her back, but it was too late"

"Objection! Sir you do realize he could've done much better being a father figure, he instead let her run into danger and get herself almost killed! What he should've done is put himself in danger than his own 'daughter', your making yourself look bad"

"Mr.Tanaka do not put your opinion during this case, I'll take these papers, look into them, see what information my clients got from [y/n], then be back, I expect all of you to not engage into any aggressive behavior"

~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

"Do you like Aizawa"I nodded my head while playing with some toys "does he love you as well"

"Mhmm, he gets me toys and takes me to places, I love his class, his students are like family"

"Does he treat you well"

"Yeah, of course he's my dad, why wouldn't he"

"Oh, well what about the students"

"Katsu-kun, Izuku, Kirishima, and Shoto are like my older brothers, they make sure nothing bad happens to me, between you and me there my favorites" you whispered to her

"It's okay your secret is safe with me, so if you don't mind me asking what happened when you where kidnapped at the camp"

"It was all my fault" I was looking down at the stuff animal and looked back at her "I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing or to what I was thinking, I just got scared and confused so I ran into the woods, my dad tried to stop me but, he was busy fighting a villain trying to protect the other kids, so don't blame it on my dad, he didn't do anything wrong"

"It's okay don't worry" after asking a few questions she left, I can't really understand what's going on, my dad just brought me here and told me that a lady was going to ask me a few questions and to be honest with her, so that's what I did, but I don't understand the whole situation, should I go out and find some answers, or sit still....

... I already know the answer to that, I opened the door and looked around, it was a empty hallway so I looked around, I found a door and opened it very lightly to see me dad and the two other men, they look to be talking about something serious so I didn't want to disturb them, I was just hearing what there talking about, and something made me froze

"Mr. Aizawa I'm sorry to say but I believe that your not suitable to be watching this little girl, Mr. Tanaka and his partner have been watching her longer than you have, so by the law, Mr. Tanaka has full custody over [y/n]"

"S-sir please! You can't do this!" I can see my dad on the brink of tears and I couldn't take it anymore

"D-daddy, what's going on" he froze when he heard my voice, I walked up to him and tugged in his pants

"I-I'm sorry [y/n]" he knelt down and picked me up and gave a me hug, I hugged back burying my face in the crook of his neck

"Wh-what's happening, can we go home please" I asked

"Hey honey, come with me for a moment" I look to see an old man, he must be the judge considering he's wearing the black dress thingy

"No! I-I wanna go home with daddy!" I hid my face again and I felt someone tugging to get me out of his grip "no! Get your hands off of me, I want to go home with daddy!" something snapped in my dads head and he refused to let me go

"Mr. Aizawa let her go or we will involve the police to arrest you"

"She's my daughter! I won't let her go"

~~~~Normal POV~~~~

You refuse to let go of your dad, but the men where trying to pry you off, and Tsukauchi was holding Aizawa back as you being taken away "LET HER GO!!"

"DADDY!!" you where taken into a different room, you can feel your blood start to boil, and your eyes turned pitch black

"She's using her quirk!!"

"G-get your hands off of me!! Let m-me go, please!! I wanna g-go home!!" you yelled, black ink tears running down your cheeks

"Someone hold her down, get the needle!!"

"She's gonna kill someone!!" but before you can do anything your vision started to fade and you soon fell into a deep slumber
This was the beginning of hell

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