Chapter 45

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~~~~Dabi's POV~~~~

I heard a few noises as I was walking, I went to go check out and see a girl petting a cat, I didn't think much of it until I got a glance at her face, she looks familiar, but I can't remember her name, I was planning on walking away until I stumbled on one of the trashcans and that's when I heard her voice

"Who's here! Come on show yourself!" I walked into view planning on throwing flames to escape, until it hit me "hey Dabi"


"Yup, that's me, I know it's been awhile"

"I can tell, look at you, you've grown"

"Yeah, I have, so what's been happening"

"Nothing, not hanging out with the league of villains that much"

"So your still with them, that's nice.... you know after what happened"

"Look I'm sorry..."

"Sure.... I should get going" she was about to leave but I had to say something

"Wait... I'll make it up" she gave me a mean glare

"How!? I lost years of my life! I lost moments with my family! I can never get those back!"

"What if I can" she stood there eyes widen

"Please, really, how with a ti-"

"Time machine, there's a Pro Hero I know that does high tech stuff"

"Who, there gonna have to be a genius"

"Remember Hatsume"

"Yeah, she's the girl that ma-OH!.... Tsk! Really, you think she has a time machine"

"I know she has one"


"I might've had a fight with her, tried to steal something and found out what she was working on" she scoffed and tried to walk away, I grabbed her and looked at her

"Just ask her, I'm positive things may work out, and I'll make up for what I've done"

"I'll ask, I should leave now" I see her leave and I sighed out, that's when I felt something hard hit against my head and everything went black

"What the hell do you think your doing!? She's the only person that can beat Eri!!"

~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

"Can Hatsume really make me go back in time" I asked myself as I walked into the hero base, Izu-kun gave me a card to access the building so I can come in anytime, I walk in and speak of the devil she's here

"Oh wow!! You really did come back! I remember when you where this tiny, anyways I should get going"

"Wait!!" she stopped and looked at me

"What's wrong"

"D-do you by any chance have a time machine" she had a sparkle in her eyes

"Yeah! I just finished it like two days ago, wanna see it" I nodded my head rapidly "well let's go" she dragged me into her office and then went in some sort of basement, it was large, very large, I looked around at the machines she made, then see her walk towards an large item that was covered by a white sheet, she pulled it to reveal a circular item, without a middle so you can just walk into it, I look at it in amazement

"Does it really work"

"Well that's where you come in, mind testing it it for me"

"... Huh?! You don't know if it works!?"

"Well I feel positive about it, come on! Let's test my baby out!!" I sighed out, I really want to see if this things works

"Fine let's do it"

"YES!!!" she went to a table with all sorts of buttons on it, she did a few things and


It turned on, it had swirls with electricity coming out, it looked kinda pretty "A-are you sure this is safe" I said with a voice crack

"Don't worry I ran some test on it, you should be fine, here put this on" she gave a watch, it didn't look like any ordinary watch I've seen "this will bring you back to the present, just push this button and, boom, there will be a warp and you hop right on in" I look at it and look back at her

"Can you set the time like around 6 years ago" she nodded her head and went back to the table

"Remember anything you change from the past will effect your future"

"Yeah, I know"


"Yeah, let's do this!" I said with a determined face, she gave me thumbs up, and I ran towards the portal


~~~~Reverse Time Skip~~~~

Everything went black, I open my eyes and it was all blurry, once my eyes adjusted I looked around to see U.A in front of me, now I want to see if this is actually real so, luckily for me, I had my old access pass and went into the gates, as I walk in I peek into class 1A's window to see a mini me and everyone else, this must be months before the incident

"Can I help you" I felt my blood drain out of my body, I turn around to see Izu-kun


~~~~Izuku's POV~~~~

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?" I look to see [y/n] jump into a portal

"She went back in time" Hatsume said

"What! Won't that, wait... why!?"

"I don't know, unless you go with her" she suggested, I sighed and had a little panic attack, I need to get her back or she might hurt herself, or worse


"Yes!!! Here" she handed me watch and showed me how it works "now get your butt in there"

"Okay, is this s-" I was pushed in before I can finish my sentence and everything went black

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