Chapter 9

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"Noooooo don't leave meeeeee" you flopped on the floor grabbing Izuku's legs

"It's only for a week then we'll come back" Izuku comfortingly says

"Yeah and when we do come back we can go get ice cream!" Mina popped up, you sniffles and got up wiping your tears away 'there where mostly fake' you said in your head, as they left you said goodbye to them and you see them leaving 'Time for the real fun' you thought as your rub your hands together, you have the whole week to yourself, and your dad has to do work at the school so your gonna be hanging out with Uncle Mic


This will be interesting

~~~~Day One without Class 1-A ~~~~

It's been 24 hours without hanging out with the gang and your laying face first on the floor "You okay?" Uncle Mic said

"I'm booooorrreeeedddd" you muffled through the floor

"Why don't you play outside for a bit?"

"I don't feel like it, can we see where Uncle Might is?" You asked

"He's being interviewed on tv look" he clicked the tv on and there he is, a bunch of people where screaming when he arrived

"Soooooo does that mean we can see him or not"

"No we can't see him, come on let's do karaoke!"he said

"Pleeeeaaaaasssseeeeeee! I'm dying and my last wish is to see All Might" you said over dramatically, you gave him the puppy eyes and made one fake tear form "pweaty pweas with a cherry on top" you where on your knees and together with the biggest puppy eyes your could muster

"*sigh* Fine let's go, but where doing karaoke tonight!" he gave in

"YES! Thank you Uncle Mic" you guys got in the car and drove to the studio place or whatever it's called idk, and there was a security guard your hands where ready for fight but they let Mic pass through 'you made the right choice my dude' you thought as you guys drove to the entrance, after parking you ran towards the door and opened it

"[y/n] wait up!" he ran next to you and grabbed your hand

"Where's Uncle Might" you questioned

"He's being interviewed live right now, he's in that room" he pointed to a door "Don't try to go in there he's busy ok?" you nodded your head but you had other plans, as you and Mic where sitting down waiting for All Mights next break, Mic needed to go to the restroom

"I'm going to go the the restroom wait here okay?" You nodded your head and he left, 'Now when I was walking I think I saw a- there it is!' you walked in the cooking studio where they do different types of recipes for people to do at home and you wanted to try and cook a cake, luckily for you the place was empty, you grabbed a bowl mixed random things together, popped it in the oven and put it in the highest degree, not even 15 seconds later you see smoke coming out of the oven and you only being five at the time have no idea what to do, so you just sat there, looking at the smoke that's coming out, doing absolutely nothing



You where hit with a explosion of fire but luckily for you, you only got a few scratches but the fire was getting bigger by the second, you threw water at it but that just made it bigger and your sleeve caught on fire "AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!" you went towards the sink and run it under water, it went out but now you have a bigger problem, there's a huge fire and you don't know what to do 'maybe Uncle Mic can help' you ran out but he's still in the restroom 'You have got to be kidding me, okay who's the next best person ..... Uncle Might!' You ran towards the door opened it and ran around looking for All Might and when you finally saw him you ran towards him but a security guard stopped you

"Now how the hell did you get back here?" He questioned, you weren't dealing with another security guard so you ran between his leg and towards All Might

"UNCLE MIGHT!!" He turns around to see you with a shock expression

"[y/n] what are you doing here!?" He questioned

"No time for that I accidentally set the kitchen studio on fire!!!!" they stood there for a second "ARE YOU GONNA STAND THERE OR DO SOMETHING!!! " they snapped out and ran towards the fire, it was huge All Might threw back his hand and punched forward and a huge gust of wind wiped it out, they took a look inside and it was burnt to ashes

"Hey [y/n] I'm back is All Mi-" Mic came back and stood there to see you and the burnt down kitchen "How long was I gone" he looked at his watch "Five minutes and you somehow burnt down a whole kitchen "

"I couldn't help it I tried to bake a cake and the oven caught on fire!" You explained

"Your dad is gonna kill you" he said

"At least it's will be a funny story to tell to class 1A" you said

"Let's take picture to send it to your dad" you got in front of the burnt down kitchen and posed, and he sent it to your dad

"All Might we still have a few minutes, also who's gonna pay for the damage" the talk host said

"I'll pay I have more than enough money to spend" All Might said

"Oh! Can I come I'll be good!!" You said jumping and grabbing All Mights hand

"I don't know" he said

"Please I came all the way here to see you!!"

"But you set the kitchens on fire" he explained

"Hey, that's not my fault, you let a child run free and you see what happens"

"No child can set a kitchen on fire less than five minutes"

"Well I did, now can you please let me come with you!!!"

"Fine" he finally gave in

"Yes!!" you went on the on the stage and Mic came as well and you sat on All Mights lap and waved at the audience, the audience look confused on why you where on stage and sitting on his lap

"So it looks like you have some questions on who this little girl is, she is my good friends daughter, so I'm like her uncle and she's like my little niece" he explains

"HI DAD!!!" You wave at the camera and look at All Might "Uncle Might is there snacks" you ask

"No sorry but after this we can get Mc Donald's"

"Yes!" after a few more questions and you making stupid faces at the camera, and All Might paying for the damage, you finally leave to Mc Donald's getting chicken nuggets and falling asleep while eating

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