Chapter 4

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You went inside your new house, you ran around looking at the new place, and then you stopped dead on your tracks, you see a cat "You have a cat!!!" you squat down and started petting it "Whats it's names" he squats down next to you

"His name is Leo, I got him a year ago he can be hyper sometimes"

"I had a cat her name was [c/n] but I don't know where she is anymore" he looks at you softly

"It's okay she's probably somewhere don't worry" he picks you up and carries you to the bathroom "Now let's get you cleaned up" he turns on the bath water and puts bubbles in it, you started to undress yourself and hopped in, the water was warm and relaxing, you started to sink in "Okay if you need anything just yell my name and I'll be there okay"

"Okay!" he close the door and left you alone......

......bad idea

~~~~15 min later~~~~

Shouta opens the the door to be met with bubbles everywhere, as soon as he open that door a pile of bubbles collapsed on him "What the hell happen, uh [y/n] where are you!?!" he makes his way to the bathtub and dug around until he found your face

"I-I didn't know how to stop it" he faced palm

"It's okay, but you should've called me to help"

"I'm sorry" he grabbed a towel and wrapped you and put the new pajamas on you that auntie midnight bought, she told you that you can call her that and she spoiled you rotten with new clothes

He put the cat onesie on which was his personal favorite not that he gonna admit that, and placed you in the guest room which was your room now, "Goodnight [y/n]"

"Night" and he shuts the door you where laying down on the bed looking at the ceiling for a good 20 minutes, you couldn't fall asleep, this is a new environment and you couldn't help it, you open the door and look out the hallway, it was dark, you walk down the hallway and you snuck to the other door and peeped in, 'it looks like he's reading a book' 

He looks up to see you "Is there something wrong"

"I-I can't sleep" he pats the spot next to him and you hop next to him

"What are you reading" you asked curious about the book

"The Outsiders" (I love this book, I probably watched the movie like 10 times)

"Oh what's it about"

"Well it's a little violent for you, I'll tell you when your older, come on it's late, time to sleep" he turns off the light and lays back

"Um Shouta, are you gonna be my new dad?" he sits up and chokes on air and turns the light back on "huh?"

"Well you said your gonna tell me about the book when i'm older, so are you gonna be my new dad" he looks into your big [e/c]

"Y-yeah, I'll be your new dad" tears go down your cheeks and you hug him, he hugs you back and pats your head and rocks back and forth until you fall asleep

~~~~Aizawa POV~~~~

I check to see if she was asleep, and she was, I couldn't help but admit that she was adorable in that cat onesie, but I don't know the first thing about being a dad, she went through hell and I'm the only one she can really look up to.............what am I gonna do?

~~~~Normal POV~~~~

'Mom, dad wh-whats going on where are you!?!' you look around to see ashes everywhere, you look up ahead to see two figures 'Mom, dad!' you run and hug them only for them to disappear, you drop to your knees and tears fell

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