Chapter 69

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

Today is the festival, Eri and Kota came along as well, there was food, games, entertainment, the whole shabang! Eri spent most of her time with Izuku, she found him more relaxing to be be with, as for me, I was being closely watched by Kota, to put it in his words

'I don't want you to do anything stupid'

Which I denied that I do anything stupid, until he pulled out a list of everything I did and called me out

"Okay, okay, jeez, where did you get a list"

"I know a few people, anyways where do you wanna go first before watching the class perform" I thought about it and my eyes landed on the food court

"How about we eat something then play games" he nodded in agreement and we made our way towards a stand, we see Tamaki, Miro, and Neijre already at a taco line

"Hey [y/n]!"

"Hi Miro! Hi Neijre! Hi Tamaki!" I made my way towards them and stand in line next to them "are these tacos any good" I asked

"I don't know, I did hear they tasted good, so might as well try" once we got our tacos we sat down at a bench and ate them

"Hey Miro do you know where Uncle Might is, I wanna tell him something"

"I think he's in the teachers lounge getting something done, what did you wanna tell him"

"It's a secret, Kota wait here for a minute I'll be back in a few" I jumped down off the bench and made my way towards the teacher lounge, I open it and see Uncle Might muttering as he typed something into the computer "Uncle Might!" he jumped and quickly turned around

"[y/n]!" he had a wide smile and opened his arms for a hug, I jumped on his lap and gave him the biggest hug I could muster "you feeling better, you where doing good with helping Katsuki and Shoto with the final exam"

"Yeah! Guess what!"


"Where twins now!" I lifted my shirt up to show him my scar, it was just like his

"... [y/n]"

"Yeah, what's the matter isn't it cool that we got the same scare, where like partners in crime!" I smiled "and look I have two more" I showed him the one on my leg and shoulder

"My... that's... that's a lot, don't they hurt"

"Yeah a lot, but it's getting better!" I said, he didn't look so happy, more concerning and sad "are you okay Uncle Might" he lets out a shaky sigh and looked at me with a small smile

"I'm fine"

~~~~Yagi's POV~~~~

'So small, yet so brave, no matter what comes her way she will get past it, what she went through at such a young age will traumatize any kid, but she still smiles, I wonder if she genuinely smiles at a problem or is she using it to hide her true emotions of fear'

"Uncle Might! The performance is about to start, if we don't get our butts moving were gonna miss it" she grabs my hand and leads me to where we hold the events, I lifted her up on my shoulders so she can get a better view of the stage, all the lights dimes and it shined to show Class 1A, blast of music roared, but it wasn't the bad type it felt like you gotta get up and dance "Wow! There good, right!"

"Yeah, wanna go up with them"


"Of course, they probably won't mind" I made my way up towards the stage, Uraraka lends a hand and picks up [y/n] and they both started to dance, she then levitated Kota and Eri up on the stage, and from there they all started to dance and sing

~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

After all the dancing and singing I was done, my legs and throat hurt so I made Katsuki carry me around, while I sucked on a cough-drop "I didn't know you can play drums"

"There's a lot of things I can do"

"Like what"


"Whaaaaaat!? I thought that if you try to cook you'll blow up the whole kitchen"

"Didn't you catch a studio kitchen on fire"

"Like I said we don't speak of that" he laughed and I heard my stomach rumble

"You hungry"

"Yeah, let's eat..." I thought for a bit, not sure what to eat


"No! Last time I ate curry my mouth was into ashes" I said, still remembering the spicy curry Katsuki gave me "how about sushi, you think there selling it" I asked

"Let's go check" we went outside and I spotted a stand that was selling sushi

"Found it!" he walked towards it and ordered, after that we sat down and ate "it's not that bad" I said

"It's alright, also watch out some of it has wasabi-" I started coughing and spitting it out, a runny nose and tears eyes with a pink face was what I looked like


"Here we go again"

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